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[RP] libhistory-support.

From: Martin Hertz
Subject: [RP] libhistory-support.
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 10:37:46 +0200

I would propose that libhistory support becomes default again, as one aspect of this option is highly usable; The history built-in to ratpoison is great, but when you have a bunch of entries, then it's pretty useless without libhistory support, because it makes no sense to cycle through past comands countless times(it's quicker to type it new then), where with libhistory support, you can search in your history with !<first-few-letters-of-some-entry-in-history>. When working in terminals, then who cycles through countless commands, instead of having a shortcut defined for searching through history, e.g. type a few letters and press arrow up, and this is archievable in ratpoison too, when using !foo when libhistory support is enabled.

When I first found ratpoison had a history then I thought it was great, but after looking at how to search in said history, which wasen't available by default, then I got discouraged. libhistory is available in all gnu based systems anyways.


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