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Re: [ruby-tut] typo

From: Laurent Sansonetti
Subject: Re: [ruby-tut] typo
Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 17:42:24 +0200
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Daniel Carrera wrote:

Done. I've progressing slowly at correcting the errors, but I'm getting there.

Fine ;-)

I have finished to translate the chapter IV.
Now I'm giving the tutorial to some friends, for a short review.

The final version should be available in a few days.

Nevertheless, I have some other projects in my TODO list, and I won't be able to hack the XSL stylesheets soon.

But meanwhile, I will try to start a docbook draft for the GNOME tutorial.

By the way, I was thinking about a "binding" tutorial. A short paper which could explain how to make a simple Ruby binding for a C/C++ library.

Since this could be shortly covered, this tutorial should be done in one week (at most).


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