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RE: [Rule-list] Modifying the current anaconda--progress update

From: Taylor, ForrestX
Subject: RE: [Rule-list] Modifying the current anaconda--progress update
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 17:16:24 -0800

> Now, the problem remains as to how to implement this.  I just 
> tried using a
> floppy with the new anaconda, and using the original discs, 
> but it looks
> like the stage2.img on the original disc is the culprit.  I 
> have been using
> totally rebuilt discs.  Thus, it looks like we have to 
> somehow change the
> stage2.img, or rebuild the disc(s).  Any ideas on this subject?

I think that I figured it out.  It looks like loader.c will check
/tmp/updates/anaconda for updates.  If you pass the `updates` flag at boot,
it will copy everything from the updates floppy to /tmp/updates.  So, I
copied anaconda (from the source) to my updates floppy (a ext2 formatted
floppy), and changed line 323 from:

if iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_RAM:


if iutil.memInstalled() < 6000:

I had to boot from a fixed floppy boot.img, and typed `linux updates
mem=16M'.  It then asked for an updates disk, and used the fixed anaconda,
and then started the install.

So, our users can download a fixed boot.img, and an updates disk, and still
use the regular Red Hat 7.2 discs!

I wonder if we can pass a different comps file...


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