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Re: [Rule-list] Kernel subproject

From: Martin Stricker
Subject: Re: [Rule-list] Kernel subproject
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 22:44:30 +0100

Chris Kloiber schrieb:

> Unless you want to burn cycles backporting many needed things (I'm
> thinking iptables for starters) stick to an Official Red Hat kernel.

Agreed. I think we should try to be as compatible to official Red Hat
Linux as possible, this will help the users (and Red Hat support).

> I was thinking that the easiest thing to do would be to have an
> installer that only partitions, formats and mounts the hard drive,
> then copies a very small (basically an i386 kernel, glibc, rpm,
> rhn_register, up2date, a shell and any other required things)
> installed image to the drive. Then the user can boot into that,
> register with Red Hat Network and install anything he/she wants with
> up2date, which can handle dependencies as needed.

Since one of the targets for RULE are users in less developed countries
internet access might not be available or very expensive. Do you have an
alternative for these users? Something that helps them installing what
they want from the official Red Hat Linux CDS *without knowing the name
of the programs*! Think about "dumb" users getting their very first
computer ever...

Best regards,
Martin Stricker
Registered Linux user #210635

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