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Re: [Rule-list] miniconda v0.1.1 MACHINE #13

From: Devon
Subject: Re: [Rule-list] miniconda v0.1.1 MACHINE #13
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 13:32:15 -0500

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 09 March 2002 01:02 pm, Gordon Buzowetsky wrote:
> Hi all....close but no cigar....install failed at....setting root
> password....tried to continue on with install by hand (reading the
> install script & manually doing the steps) and just about got it to
> reboot............;-))

Odd. How did it fail? Error messages? 
Were there any error messages during the rpm install phase?
Did you get the prompt:
"Enter new unix password:" ? If so, did you get the prompt again to 
confirm the password? 

Please explain "just about got it to reboot". If the bootloader was 
installed, it should have rebooted, even if shut down uncleanly. You 
should have been able to login as root with no password.

I'm going to look into having the installer write a log file of some 
sort, so we can go back and check these things.

Even if the passwd command fails, the install should continue. I'm 
thinking there was something else going on.
I'll have a look at it later.

> Devon--I'll will go back and try v0.1.0 later today and try resetting
> permissions as you suggested...

I wouldn't waste the time. If you decide to try again, I'd use V0.1.1.
V0.1.1 is V0.1.0 with the changes I suggested.

In my testing, I had one instance this morning where there was an error 
unpacking the glibc-common rpm file. (first package installed) I killed 
the script, unmounted the cd, added the --replacepkgs flag to the rpm 
command and ran it again. Worked like a charm. Not sure what caused the 
initial error.

- -D

- -- 

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