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[Rule-list] About editor

From: Marco Fioretti
Subject: [Rule-list] About editor
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 01:28:35 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i


my two eurocents about choosing editors for RULE.

Personally, I only know well GNU emacs,  Xemacs, and, superficially,

I give for granted, as already said, that RULE will have both GNU
emacs and vi/vim. The reasons for this are:

1) Avoid holy wars
2) As somebody else said, if there is no vi, at least for emergency
   use, it's not Unix
3) Powers users and programmers do need the advanced features that
these editors offer, and I expect quite a lot of RULE users to be in
this category. Yes, they would know how to install it, but let's just
make it available anyway. Maybe with some tricks to reduce disk space
(it *is* obscene to have tenths of megs taken by emacs files..), but
they must be there.

Said this, we definitely should add something which is enough to edit
config files and write shopping lists, very simple memos and such,
i.e. the first, and maybe the only editor which would be ever used by

I have no preference about this, but would expect it to fulfill these
requirements, even if it means to sacrifice performance, since it is
for beginners only:

        1) Good documentation and online help
        2) useable from mutt (otherwise composing email with vi/emacs
           brings the problem back)
        3) Already multilingual, or at least easy to localize
        4) Anything else along these lines? Suggestions welcome

                Marco Fioretti
                RULE project leader

A dream will always triumph over reality, once it is given the chance.
                                                Stanislaw Lem

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