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[Safer-hacking][fwd] Network Security Bible (from: address@hidden)

From: Werner Koch
Subject: [Safer-hacking][fwd] Network Security Bible (from: address@hidden)
Date: Sat May 5 12:21:01 2001
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.18i


not much reaction on my first posting to this list.  So I start
again by just forwarding this message.  At least we have that URL in
the mail archive ;-)

----- Forwarded message from Peter Johnson <address@hidden> -----

Date:         Fri, 4 May 2001 19:53:59 -0500
From: Peter Johnson <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject:      Network Security Bible

Security Professionals,

I started making bookmarks of all my favorite security papers, that I
look at when trying to solve complex security issues. But then I thought
"Wouldn't everyone like to have these documents handy?". So I decided to
publish them, in one big page. And I decided to call it the "Network
Security Bible", not as used in religious terms, but more as a book that
is a MUST READ for all students who want to get into the Network
Security field. Its a fast pace field that is always changing(which is
what I love about it), that's why the bible will always change as people
write new papers and new technologies come to the mainstream. Its a
community project, which I would like everyone to help and contribute,
so they can feel they are helping future Security Admins seeking
guidance how to stop the "hackers". Which is nothing against hackers,
but they have their "manifesto" which inspires them. Hopefully, one of
the documents in the Network Security Bible can inspire you to keep the
Internet a safe secure place that we can all share freely but keep our
privacy from people we don't want noising around in our personal
business. Any thing you post on the Internet is public domain and can be
mirrored and copied (technically maybe not legally). But if I have some
personal documents, I don't want ANYONE to look at, I should be able to
keep it safe and secure. I haven't added or removed any words, and used
authors own words to describe their document, I didn't add my personal
opinion of it or which is better than another. I think they are ALL good
in their own way. I've seen some poorly written security papers but very
few, most people put ALOT of effort into them and alot of research time
and in my opinion they deserve to be heard. With their work they earned
a place in my bible of documents I look at when trying to figure out
network security issues. I hope it will also help everyone else, as much
as it has helped me when trying to figure how to combat against hackers
who will always be around and will always try to TEST your security.
Just layers and blockades!

EMAIL: address@hidden

rottz at securityflaw dot com

----- End forwarded message -----

Werner Koch        Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur
g10 Code GmbH      et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est.
Privacy Solutions                                        -- Augustinus

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