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[Savannah-hackers] submission of Speakcid

From: troy
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of Speakcid
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 22:05:59 -0500

A package was submitted to
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Troy Smith <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Speakcid
System name: speakcid
This package does NOT want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project

Speakcid is a perl script that logs caller id information into a SQL database, 
support for mysql and postgres.  Speakcid also integrates with the festival 
text to speech engine to announce who the calling party is.  There is also a 
cgi script that allows you to search past callerid information from a web 

At this time I do not have a public accessible version of speakcid.

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