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[Savannah-hackers] [Savannah] liaxe want to be a GNU package

From: savannah-hackers
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] [Savannah] liaxe want to be a GNU package
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 04:35:31 -0400


The following project was submitted to Savannah. It needs evaluation to
become a GNU package, can you give it a look, please ? 

Submitter: <address@hidden>
Project Full Name:  Liaxe Is An XML Editor
Project System Name:  liaxe
License:  gpl
Approval URL:
Description: Project name : Liaxe

My project is an XML editor (Liaxe Is An XML Editor).
It is based on Gtk, libxml and libxslt.
It enable to create and edit xml files accorting to a dtd.
Xslt can bee applyed at any step of the editon.
And plugins are used to export xml to somme other file standart.

For now the project is just a toy experimentation.
It is hard to install (path in configuration file are absolutes)
The view of the document is in a tree form.
And the document can only refer to one dtd.
However it works well, and I created somme toy dtd and xslt
that enable me to edit and create simple report, and to
export them to html or LaTeX. The &quot;Liaxe book&quot; online documentation
available on my website is made with this toy exemple.
(Note that the technique I am using to export to html or xml is
not celan and should be handeled by real pulgins in the future)

Here is the first version of liaxe :
(Note the Liaxe will be completely rebuild to meet the new

For the near future :
 - Update to Gtk2 Glib2 (on the way)
 - Rebuild the interface (on the way)
 - Create a widget type to handle user firendly edition
 of xml node (on the way)
 - Extand pluings to get differnent node edition widget according
 to the node namespace
 - Extand plugins for file importation
 - Suport unicode and pango freatures
 - Suport guile for plugins
 - Find a way to dynamicaly download dtd on the net
 thanks to the namespace.

The posibilities of liaxe are great. In fact they are as great
as the xml and gtk posibilities.
Once the bases of Liaxe will be stable (for plugin structure
especialy) it will be easy to enlarge the fiels of uses of Liaxe.

 -- the Savannah admin

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