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[Savannah-hackers] submission of C++ Documentation Sys

From: lpenet
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of C++ Documentation System
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 15:46:46 -0400

A package was submitted to
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Ludovic PENET <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: C++ Documentation System
System name: cppdoc
This package does NOT want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project

cppdoc aims to be a set of tools capable of extracting the documentation and 
the structure of big C++ programs. It is somewhat similar to projects like 
doc++, excepted that it is from the beginning thought to handle projects of 
several millions lines of code.

cppdoc should at some point be composed of several tools:
- cpp2xml, the documentation and structure extractor, the tool converting C++ 
source code to XML files, it produces one XML file per C++ source file and can 
be thought as the compiler. It is the part that is currently under active 
- cxmlcsd, the consolidator of these XML files. As this tool set is intended 
for big programs, a RDBMS should be used. libdbi shall be used for abstraction 
and PostgreSQL should be the reference engine. The output of cxmlcsd might be 
the database content.
- cdb2docbook, a tool to extract the database content to an XML document 
respecting the docbook DTD.
- ...

Because of this modular nature, it should be possible to add new tools to the 
set, to support other languages, perform a somewhat lighter consolidation (i.e. 
without db) or whatever.

There is no binary distribution yet. It is still work in progress. The cpp2xml 
tool is nearly completed. The others are only in project

Other Software Required:

Other Comments:
This project must evolve quickly in the next weeks/months as it should be use 
for a real retro-engineering work that is to be delivered to a customer.

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