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[Savannah-hackers] submission of lessdisks, a diskless

From: np
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of lessdisks, a diskless xterminal suite
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 05:17:42 -0400

A package was submitted to
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Neo Ned Ludd <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: lessdisks, a diskless xterminal suite
System name: lessdisks
This package does NOT want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project

Lessdisks is a \"diskless\" (x)terminal suite, released under the 
GNU General Public License, which focuses on using older 
computers to meet modern computing needs.

A main goal is to keep lessdisks as simple as possible, mostly 
using a few small shell scripts that even non-programmers can 
understand and modify.

It uses Debian GNU/Linux as its\' base, and attempts to keep as 
close as possible to a more conventional \"diskfull\" computer. 

better documentation is a primary goal for the next release.

for more background information, try

you can download the latest distribution at

Other Software Required:
Debian GNU/Linux base system, ash, devfsd, nfs

greatly enhances the capabilities of terminals-
XFree86 and xfs, xdm or other x-display-manager

Other Comments:
lessdisks is developed and implemented at, a 
non-profit computer reuse and recycling organization.

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