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Re: [Savannah-hackers] submission of OIL to XML Schema

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] submission of OIL to XML Schema transformator
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 12:50:30 +0200


In order to release your project under the GPL you should write copyright
notice and license notice at the beginning of every source
code file, please follow the advice of

Could you resubmit once this is done (you can do this copying the big re-registration link provided in the mail you get when you have registered) ?


Le mer 24 jui 2002 à 12h37, address@hidden a écrit :

A package was submitted to
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden

Stefan Merten <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License:
Package: OIL to XML Schema transformator
System name: oil2xsd
This package does NOT want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project

`oil2xsd\' is a collection of XSLT []
stylesheets converting an ontology written in OIL
[] to a XML Schema
[]. The input must be provided as an
RDFS [] file extended by the Standard
OIL tags [].

The stylesheets are applied to the input or the output of the previous
transformation, respectively. The stylesheets are accompanied by a
small shell script which applies them one after another. While some
stylesheets provide basic transformations always necessary other
stylesheets may be applied as wanted or may be replaced by customized
versions to accomplish special tasks.

The result is a XML Schema which may be used to define document
structures. Not all features of OIL are transformed into the resulting
XML Schema. However, an interesting subset is supported. Basically the
class inheritance tree in the OIL ontology is transformed into an
equivalent class inheritance tree in the XML Schema while the slots
are transformed into elements of the resulting <complexType>s.

It already exists in a form specific to a certain project - i.e. it
lacks a bit of generality. You may download a ripped of version from
[]. However, the
sources will be partially renamed and rewritten for more generality.

Other Software Required:
To apply the stylesheets you need a XSLT processor. I used `testXSLT\'
contained in the Xalan C++ project

Furthermore you may find `OilEd\' [] useful to
edit the ontology.

Other Comments:

Savannah-hackers mailing list

Mathieu Roy (GPG Key)

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