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[Savannah-hackers] submission of Node Manager - Commun

From: jimi
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of Node Manager - Community IP/Name Management
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 07:37:50 -0400

A package was submitted to
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James Schopp <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Node Manager - Community IP/Name Management
System name: nodemanager
This package does NOT want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project

My project helps resolve IP-address and DNS name management issues for 
community wireless networks. Currently, many individuals are offering wireless 
(typcally 802.11b) network access via their own \"access points\", called 
\"nodes\". Groups of \"node owners\" are now linking their nodes together to 
form community networks that provide free wireless network access. This means 
that a certain amount of administration is required in order to coordinate IP 
address allocation (for both the client networks, and the backbone links) and 
naming conflicts. This software helps resolve that issue.

The current version is up and running at the MadridWireless community group. It 
can be seen at

All of the source code is available in a tarball at

LICENSE.txt contains the GNU/GPL license
README.txt contains instructions on how to set it up, but is [partially] in 
Spanish, so I\'ll explain it here:

* untarbal it in a web-readable directory, like /var/www/
* Modify the admin record in NodeManager.sql to fit your email address
* Create a MySQL DB for the app, and launch this script to create the tables 
and fill in the basic data.
* modify the config values in to fit your directory structure, 
URLs, emails, database name/user/pwd/, etc...
* make sure the web user (\"apache\") has write access to dns/, graphs/, and 
* access the website from your browser (there is an index.php file) and goto 
login->forgot password. Enter the admin pwd you put in the SQL file, and the 
system will generate a pwd for you. Then login, and continue as normal. New 
[non-admin] users can register through the web.

James Schopp

Other Software Required:
Apache - will probably work with other servers too
PHP - required
CURL - optional, for downloading maps
GraphViz - optional for generating network topology images (PNG)
MySQL - currently required, but could be moved to another DB without too much 

Other Comments:
Multi-language support

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