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[Savannah-hackers] submission of The Sphere Operating System - savannah

From: alangrimes
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of The Sphere Operating System -
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 17:43:35 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/4.08 [en] (Win16; U)

A package was submitted to
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Alan Grimes <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: The Sphere Operating System
System name: sphere
Type: non-GNU


This project\'s humble goal is to create _THE_ World Domination OS. This is not 
intednded to be a toy OS, or some neat trick OS or even a capable 
special-purpose OS. It is meant to be _THE_ OS. 

My goals are as follows: 
1. Destroy Microsoft.
2. Give users (especially me!) something that is truly not Unix nor resembles 
unix in any way -- taking the philosophy \"If Unix does A, then it is probably 
better to do B.\" 
3. Break more rules than would generally be considered possible including and 
especially compatability with crufty old C standard libraries. 
4. Achieve a near-horizontal learning curve. 

The project\'s website is: 

Of special note is the design document, \"sphere.txt\" in the same directory. 

Other Software Required:
I\'m not exactly sure. 
GNU software might infact have the functionality I need but it is many orders 
of magnitude too complex/undocumented/crufty for me to use in any meaningful 

Other Comments:
I expect the Sphere Operating system will require at least $3,000,000 worth of 
effort simply to achieve a beta-ish 1.0 level. Beyond that, it will require at 
least $100,000,000 to begin to compete with Micro$oft. I tried to develop a 
beta myself but I simply don\'t have the type of mind which can wrestle with 
the x86 and the existing tools at the same time. =\\

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