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[Savannah-hackers] submission of GnuBucks -

From: cjcollier
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of GnuBucks -
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 12:35:19 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686) Gecko/20030327 Galeon/1.3.4 Debian/

A package was submitted to
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden

C.J. Collier <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: GnuBucks
System name: gnubucks
Type: GNU

GnuBucks is an alternative currency transfer system based on SMTP.  
Essentially, it makes transfering money-like-objects as easy as sending email.  
This implementation is written in Perl, taking advantage of many of the modules 
from the CPAN. is the first GnuBucks distribution 
client.  It is not as distributed as I hope the project becomes, but it is a 
start.  Here are some notes about getting the source.  I have been having 
permission issues with the CVS repository, so if you have any problems getting 
the source, contact me at address@hidden, and I will let you access the source.

If you\'re interested in taking a look at the GnuBucks source, here\'s the
CVS repository information.  If you\'re not, please read no further.

pserver user: \'anonymous\' (no password)
CVS_ROOT: \':pserver:address@hidden:/home/cvs\'
CVS module name: \'gnubucks\'

If you\'re not familiar with CVS, check the code out like this:

$ cvs -d:pserver:address@hidden:/home/cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:address@hidden:2401/home/cvs
CVS password: (hit enter)
$ cvs -d:pserver:address@hidden:/home/cvs co gnubucks

The source will be stored in the ./gnubucks/ directory

Here\'s a rundown on the source tree:

- stores apache information, currently including an example virtual
domain (apache.conf) and an example HTML::Mason handler

- the apache DocumentRoot.  Includes index.html and two HTML::Mason
components, \"ledger.html\" and \"transfer.html\"

- holds some re-usable HTML::Mason components, currently \"links.mas\" and

- some example uses for GnuBucks (Thanks, Kevin)

- Cascading Style Sheets for the site

- some MySQL schemas for the site

- a non-working Perl wrapper for libofx, the library for manipulating
.ofx (Open Finance eXchange) files.  This is the exchange format used by
applications like Microsoft Money, Quicken, GnuCash and Bank of
America\'s online banking interface

- Stuff for developers.  You are here.

- Some impressions from the community

- The GnuBucks Daemon.  Run on your incoming mail server.  GnuBuck
Payments will be recorded with it via gbc

- The GnuBucks Client.  Run this from your MDA (procmail) to accept
payments.  Stick this command in your .procmailrc or /etc/procmailrc:

 :0 c
 * ^X-GnuBucks
 | /usr/local/bin/gbc


Other Software Required:
Perl and some stock modules (Mail::Header, Mail::Address, Mail::Send, 
Email::Valid, POSIX), Apache::URI, HTML::Mason, Apache, my light-weight CMS 
module CJSite (in the \'cjsite\' repository of the above mentioned CVS server), 
mod_perl, mysql

Other Comments:
I\'ve sent an email to the GNU Volunteer Co-ordinaters and was responded to by 
Toby Cabot <address@hidden>.  He was unable to access my source via CVS because 
I was having problems running my own CVS repository.

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