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[Savannah-hackers] submission of Emacs mode for editing PmWiki wiki-page

From: chr
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of Emacs mode for editing PmWiki wiki-pages -
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2004 10:47:04 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; X11; Linux i686) Opera 7.21 [en]

A package was submitted to
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Christian Ridderström <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Emacs mode for editing PmWiki wiki-pages
System name: pmwiki-mode
Type: non-GNU

pmwiki-mode is an Emacs mode for editing wiki pages on a PmWiki wiki-wiki site.

A one-page description of this project can be found here:

Download links to gzipped archive for different releases of this project can be 
found on the description page above.

The primary source file is 'pmwiki.el' in the current releases, but it has been 
renamed to 'pmwiki-mode.el' in the next planned release. Here is a link to a 
(temporary) version of that file:

Other Software Required:
 - Emacs 
 - http-emacs*:
 - PmWiki**:  (GPL)
(*) Actually, later versions of the source code includes two slightly modified 
files from http-emacs: http-post.el and http-get.el. The original versions 
still work though.

(**) This is the wiki-engine that runs the web site, and this software is 
therefore only required on the server side, i.e. not on the client side where 
the user runs Emacs/pmwiki-mode
Useful but not required:  - longlines.el (GPL.ed)
A slightly modified version of this file is also included in later releases.

Other Comments:
I'd like to submit this as project type: GNU, but reading up on maintenance and 
coding standards seemed a bit much at the moment. Anyway, I assume/hope I can 
do that later anyway?

  Message sent via/by Savannah

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