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[Savannah-register-public] [task #11033] Submission of Alex-FEM

From: Paul Jakma
Subject: [Savannah-register-public] [task #11033] Submission of Alex-FEM
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:57:31 +0000
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Update of task #11033 (project administration):

             Assigned to:                    None => paul                   


Follow-up Comment #1:


I reviewed your project, and there are some issues that would need to be

* Some files do not contain any copyright notice or information. E.g.
FAlexUnit/nbproject/*.bash, FAlexUnit/*.f95, FAlexUnit/Makefile, a number of
files under Alex/, and probably more.

* Many files lack a "Copyright <name> <year>" line. Some have a "author: ..."
line, but the more explicit notice would be better.

* Many files lack a notice to state what licence the file is available under.
This applies even to files that include the full copy of the GPL - these often
are still missing a declaration to explicitly place the file under the GPL.

There are some other changes which would be good to fix, but do not need to be
addressed for approval:

* There are a number of auto-generated files which probably shouldn't be part
of the sources. Java class files, .mod files generated from Fortran source
(?), binary object files and executables particularly, as well as a number of
build related files (shell scripts, makefiles, some XML) which say they are
auto-generated. Additionally, the doxygen generated documentation probably
should not be in the sources. They would be better kept separately under the
project's web space.

* Some files seem to contain personal data, like file paths (files in
*/nbproject/private/ particularly), which the author might want to remove.

* Many files contain the full text of the LGPLv3 in their pre-amble, this
isn't bad per se, but more common practice is to use a shorter notice that
refers to a single copy of the licence text, which is usually kept in a file
called "COPYING" in the top-level of the project. See:

* The tar archive contains a number of top-level directories (Alex, FAlex,
FAlexPerf, etc). It's more usual to create just a single top-level directory,
named after the project, and to create further directories under that.

If you can fix those and submit an updated tarball, we can look at that.




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