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[screen-devel] Re: Hardstatus and UTF-8 NFD

From: Xavier Guérin
Subject: [screen-devel] Re: Hardstatus and UTF-8 NFD
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 08:54:46 +0100

Unfortunately, it still behaves the same on my installation.
I attached my own screenrc so we can share the same configuration.

Attachment: screenrc
Description: Binary data


Le 18 févr. 2010 à 23:10, Sadrul Habib Chowdhury a écrit :

cc: devel (original report:

* Xavier Guérin had this to say on [18 Feb 2010, 18:00:46 +0100]:
Here are two screenshots:

1 - Normalized UTF-8, screen version 4.0.3 on SL (10.6.2) using macports (good_behaviour) :

1 - Normalized UTF-8, screen version 4.1.0 on SL (10.6.2) using the git repo (bad_behaviour) :

The situation is as follows: my ZSH's chpwd updates the current window title with the current PWD. The issue is that apple uses UTF-8 norm D to store its file names (Normalized Form Decombined, NFD). The solution I found with screen 4.0.3 was to renormalize PWD into a combined form.

What exactly happens with 4.1.0 is as follows: as soon as I change PWD to a directory which name contains and UTF-8 character (normalized), the hardstatus disappears, screen resets the buffer,  and some '\n' are printed out. From this moment, screen keeps behaving weirdly until I change PWD.

Thank you very much. This is quite useful.

I could reproduce the problem with a 'Thèse' directory of my own. For
this particular case, the attached patch works for me. But it is likely
that the patch is not completely correct, and may break auto-hardstatus
for windows for some. I am weak on encoding issues, and I need to
test more to fine-tune the fix. In the meantime, if you could try it out
and let me know if this works you too, then that'd be great.

Also, help/suggestions about the encoding issue from anyone would also be
very welcome!



Xavier Guérin - Doctoral student
TIMA Laboratory, SLS Group
46, av. Félix Viallet, 38000 GRENOBLE, FR
Phone : +33(0)4 76 57 47 59
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Triste e' quel discepolo che non avanza il suo maestro

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