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[screen-devel] using screen for AT commands?

From: Britton Kerin
Subject: [screen-devel] using screen for AT commands?
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 16:21:38 -0900

I'm trying to use screen to talk over serial to a XBee wireless chip
that can be controlled
using the AT command set.  So doing for example:

   screen /dev/ttyUSB0
   (wait 1 second)+++(wait 1 second)ATBD(type return)

causes screen to show nothing until return is typed, whereupon it overwrite
the first character of the line with '3' (meaning 9600 baud in AT-speak)

What I'd like is for this to work like the old days modem programs where you see
the +++, where your newline is mapped to \r for the ADBD command etc.
Of course the +++ can't have a \r sent or it won't work, so I'm not totally sure
what total rule set I want here in detail.  But I'm guessing screen might
provide something?

I couldn't figure it out from my first hour or so in the docs though, any advice
greatly appreciated.


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