CREATE TABLE products ( shortdsc char(11) NOT NULL, longdsc text NOT NULL, sellprice numeric(11,2), stock rational NOT NULL, unit char(20) NOT NULL, active bool NOT NULL DEFAULT 'true', prodid serial ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX products_shortdsc_index ON products (shortdsc); CREATE TABLE measurementunits ( unit char(20) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE transform ( prodid_out int NOT NULL, notes text, inactivation timestamp DEFAULT NULL, transformid serial ); CREATE INDEX transform_prodid_out_index ON transform (prodid_out); CREATE TABLE transform_ingredient ( transformid int NOT NULL, prodid_in int NOT NULL, amount rational ); CREATE INDEX transform_ingredient_transformid_index ON transform_ingredient (transformid); CREATE TABLE howtomake_ingredient ( prodid_out int NOT NULL, prodid_in int NOT NULL, amount rational ); CREATE INDEX howtomake_ingredient_prodid_out_index ON howtomake_ingredient (prodid_out); CREATE TABLE deviationtype ( shortdsc char(16) NOT NULL, longdsc text NOT NULL, devid serial ); CREATE TABLE operations ( t timestamp NOT NULL, notes text NOT NULL, userid char(20) NOT NULL, opid serial ); CREATE TABLE tradehistory ( opid int NOT NULL, prodid int NOT NULL, amount rational NOT NULL, price numeric(11,2) ); CREATE TABLE inventorydeviation ( opid int NOT NULL, devid int NOT NULL, prodid int NOT NULL, diff rational ); CREATE VIEW ProdsToSell AS SELECT shortdsc, longdsc, sellprice, unit, prodid FROM products WHERE NOT inactivation AND sellprice IS NOT NULL; CREATE VIEW ProdsToBuy AS SELECT shortdsc, longdsc, stock, unit, prodid FROM products WHERE NOT inactivation AND prodid NOT IN (SELECT prodid_out FROM transform WHERE active);