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[Simulavr-devel] [PATCH 12/13] Major update of Verilog interface for Sim

From: Onno Kortmann
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] [PATCH 12/13] Major update of Verilog interface for SimulAVR
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 23:46:34 +0100

- Some parts of the interface are functions, some are tasks now (whatever fits 
- New methods to read/write the memory and read the program counter 
  as well as to start the simulavrxx tracing functionality.
- Fixed a lot of memory leaks.

Signed-off-by: Onno Kortmann <address@hidden>
---      |    6 +
 src/   |   21 +++-
 src/avrdevice.h   |    2 +-
 src/verilog/avr.v |  114 +++++++++++++++
 src/vpi.cpp       |  393 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 5 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/verilog/avr.v

diff --git a/ b/
index 9b628f8..f48fdfc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ SWIG_PYTHON
 AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_SWIG],[test "x$SWIG" != 'x'])
+               [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VERILOG, [1], Icarus verilog interface)
+                WE_HAVE_VERILOG="yes"],        
+                [])
 dnl AC_CHECK_PROG(CCACHE, ccache, ccache)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 63a7c27..03a607e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ endif
 bin_PROGRAMS    = simulavr kbdgentables
-lib_LTLIBRARIES        =
+lib_LTLIBRARIES        =
 libavrsim_pp_la_SOURCES        =       \
        application.cpp         \
@@ -64,6 +64,23 @@ libavrsim_pp_la_SOURCES      =       \
 libavrsim_pp_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:0:0
+libavrvpi_pp_la_SOURCES =         \
+       $(libavrsim_pp_la_SOURCES) \
+       vpi.cpp
+libavrvpi_pp_la_LDFLAGS=               \
+       -version-info 0:0:0             
+libavrvpi_pp_la_LIBADD=                        \
+       -L $(AVR_LIBIBERTY_INC)/../lib -lbfd $(AVR_LIBIBERTY_LIB) -lz   
+all-local:     avr.vpi
+       cp .libs/ avr.vpi
 pkginclude_HEADERS =   \
        application.h \
        at4433.h                \
@@ -146,7 +163,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST           = pysimulavr.i
 DISTCLEANFILES:=${DISTCLEANFILES} keytrans.h pysimulavr_wrap.cpp
-Cleanfiles:=${CLEANFILES} keytrans.h simulavr_wrap.cpp
+Cleanfiles:=${CLEANFILES} keytrans.h simulavr_wrap.cpp avr.vpi
diff --git a/src/avrdevice.h b/src/avrdevice.h
index d4ff640..248570f 100644
--- a/src/avrdevice.h
+++ b/src/avrdevice.h
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class AvrDevice: public SimulationMember {
         AvrDevice(unsigned int ioSpaceSize, unsigned int IRamSize, unsigned 
int ERamSize, unsigned int flashSize);
        /*! Steps the AVR core.
-         \param untilCoreStepFinished if true, steps a core step and not a
+         \param untilCoreStepFinished iff true, steps a core step and not a
          single clock cycle. */
         int Step(bool &untilCoreStepFinished, SystemClockOffset *nextStepIn_ns 
         void Reset();
diff --git a/src/verilog/avr.v b/src/verilog/avr.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d41a96c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/verilog/avr.v
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Onno Kortmann <address@hidden>
+ *  
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *  
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *  
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *  
+ */
+/* SimulavrXX glue code on the verilog side. */
+/* FIXME: Some parts are still unfinished! 
+ FIXME: Output-pullups are not implemented yet - find a good way to do that!
+ */
+module avr_pin(conn);
+   parameter name="UNSPECIFIED";
+   inout conn;
+   wire  out;
+   integer val;
+   wire    output_active;
+   assign  output_active = (val<=2);
+   assign  conn = output_active ? out : 1'bz;
+   function a2v;
+      input apin;
+      if (apin==0) // low
+       a2v=0;
+      else if (apin==1) // high
+       a2v=1;
+      else if (apin==2) // shorted
+       a2v=1'bx;
+      else if (apin==3) // pull-up
+       a2v=1;
+      else if (apin==4) // tristate
+       a2v=1'bz;
+      else if (apin==5) // pull-down
+       a2v=0;
+      else if (apin==6) // analog
+       a2v=1'bx;
+      else if (apin==7) // analog, shorted
+       a2v=1'bx;
+   endfunction // a2v
+   function v2a;
+      input vpin;
+      if (vpin==1'bz)
+       v2a=4; // tristate
+      else if (vpin==1'bx)
+       v2a=2; // approximate as shorted
+      else if (vpin==1)
+       v2a=1; // high
+      else if (vpin==0)
+       v2a=0; // low
+   endfunction // v2a
+   assign out=a2v(val);
+   always @(posedge core.clk) begin
+      val=$avr_get_pin(core.handle, name);
+      $avr_set_pin(core.handle, name, v2a(conn));
+   end
+endmodule // avr_pin
+module avr_clock(clk);
+   output clk;
+   reg           clk;
+   parameter FREQ=4_000_000;
+   initial begin
+      clk<=0;
+   end
+   always @(clk) begin
+      #(1_000_000_000/FREQ/2) clk<=~clk; //125000 -> 4MHz clock
+   end   
+endmodule // avr_clock
+module AVRCORE(clk);
+   parameter progfile="UNSPECIFIED";
+   parameter name="UNSPECIFIED";
+   input     clk;
+   integer   handle;
+   integer   PCw; // word-wise PC as it comes from simulavrxx
+   wire [16:0] PCb;  // byte-wise PC as used in output from avr-objdump!
+   assign  PCb=2*PCw;
+   initial begin
+      $display("Creating an AVR device.");
+      handle=$avr_create(name, progfile);
+      //$avr_reset(handle);
+   end
+   always @(posedge clk) begin
+      PCw=$avr_get_pc(handle);
+      $avr_tick(handle);
+   end
+endmodule // AVRCORE
diff --git a/src/vpi.cpp b/src/vpi.cpp
index a644f13..5884276 100644
--- a/src/vpi.cpp
+++ b/src/vpi.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
 #include  <vpi_user.h>
 #include "avrdevice.h"
 #include "avrfactory.h"
+#include "rwmem.h"
+#include "trace.h"
 static std::vector<AvrDevice*> devices;
@@ -41,57 +44,100 @@ static bool checkHandle(int h) {
     return true;
+#define VPI_UNPACKS(name)                                      \
+    {                                                          \
+       vpiHandle name  = vpi_scan(argv);                       \
+       if (! name) {                                           \
+           vpi_printf("%s: " #name " parameter missing.\n", xx);\
+           vpi_free_object(argv);                              \
+           return 0;                                           \
+       }                                                       \
+       value.format = vpiStringVal;                            \
+       vpi_get_value(name, &value);                            \
+    }                                                          \
+    std::string name = value.value.str;
+#define VPI_UNPACKI(name)                                      \
+    {                                                          \
+       vpiHandle name  = vpi_scan(argv);                       \
+       if (! name) {                                           \
+           vpi_printf("%s: " #name " parameter missing.\n", xx);\
+           vpi_free_object(argv);                              \
+           return 0;                                           \
+       }                                                       \
+       value.format = vpiIntVal;                               \
+       vpi_get_value(name, &value);                            \
+    }                                                          \
+    int name = value.value.integer;
+#define VPI_RETURN_INT(val)                                    \
+    value.format = vpiIntVal;                                  \
+    value.value.integer = (val);                               \
+    vpi_put_value(ch, &value, 0, vpiNoDelay);                  \
+    return 0;
+#define AVR_HCHECK()                                           \
+    if (!checkHandle(handle)) {                                        \
+       vpi_printf("%s: Invalid handle parameter.\n", xx);      \
+       return 0;                                               \
+    }
+#define VPI_BEGIN()                                            \
+    s_vpi_value value;                                         \
+    vpiHandle ch       = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0);          \
+    vpiHandle argv     = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, ch);
+#define VPI_END()                                              \
+    vpi_free_object(argv);
+#define VPI_REGISTER_TASK(name)                                        \
+    {                                                          \
+       s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;                               \
+       tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;                         \
+       tf_data.tfname    = "$" #name;                          \
+       tf_data.calltf    = name ## _tf;                        \
+       tf_data.compiletf = 0;                                  \
+       tf_data.sizetf    = 0;                                  \
+       tf_data.user_data = "$" #name;                          \
+       vpi_register_systf(&tf_data);                           \
+    }
+#define VPI_REGISTER_FUNC(name)                                        \
+    {                                                          \
+       s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;                               \
+       tf_data.type      = vpiSysFunc;                         \
+       tf_data.tfname    = "$" #name;                          \
+       tf_data.calltf    = name ## _tf;                        \
+       tf_data.compiletf = 0;                                  \
+       tf_data.sizetf    = 0;                                  \
+       tf_data.user_data = "$" #name;                          \
+       vpi_register_systf(&tf_data);                           \
+    }
   This function creates a new AVR core and `returns' a handle to it
   Usage from Verilog:
-  $avr_create(handle, device, progname)
+  $avr_create(device, progname) -> handle
   handle is an integer handle by which the avr can be accessed in all other
   calls here
-  devic is the name of the AVR device to create
+  device is the name of the AVR device to create
   progname is the path to the flash program elf binary
 static PLI_INT32 avr_create_tf(char *xx) {
-    s_vpi_value value;
-    vpiHandle ch = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0);
-    vpiHandle argv = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, ch);
-    vpiHandle handle=vpi_scan(argv);
-    vpiHandle _device=vpi_scan(argv);
-    vpiHandle _progname=vpi_scan(argv);
-    value.format = vpiStringVal;
-    vpi_get_value(_device, &value);
-    std::string device=value.value.str;
-    value.format = vpiStringVal;
-    vpi_get_value(_progname, &value);
-    std::string progname=value.value.str;
-    // FIXME: Better error handling than exit(...) here. Exceptions!
-    AvrDevice* dev;
-    devices.push_back(dev=AvrFactory::instance().makeDevice(device));
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKS(device);
+    VPI_UNPACKS(progname);
+    VPI_END();
-    /*
-    if (device=="AT90S4433") {
-       devices.push_back(dev=new AvrDevice_at90s4433());
-    } else {
-       vpi_printf("Invalid AVR device: %s\n", device.c_str());
-       vpi_control(vpiFinish, 1);
-       return 0;
-    }
-    if (!dev) {
-       vpi_printf("Can't create backend AVR simulavrxx device.");
-       vpi_control(vpiFinish, 1);
-       return 0;
-       }*/
+    AvrDevice* dev=AvrFactory::instance().makeDevice(device);
+    devices.push_back(dev);
-    value.format = vpiIntVal;
-    value.value.integer = devices.size()-1;
-    vpi_put_value(handle, &value, 0, vpiNoDelay);
+    VPI_RETURN_INT(devices.size()-1);
@@ -101,17 +147,12 @@ static PLI_INT32 avr_create_tf(char *xx) {
 static PLI_INT32 avr_reset_tf(char *xx) {
-    s_vpi_value value;
-    vpiHandle ch = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0);
-    vpiHandle argv = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, ch);
-    vpiHandle handle=vpi_scan(argv);
-    value.format = vpiIntVal;
-    vpi_get_value(handle, &value);
-    int h = value.value.integer;
-    if (!checkHandle(h)) return 0;
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKI(handle);
+    VPI_END();
-    devices[h]->Reset();
+    AVR_HCHECK();
+    devices[handle]->Reset();
     return 0;
@@ -122,20 +163,16 @@ static PLI_INT32 avr_reset_tf(char *xx) {
 static PLI_INT32 avr_destroy_tf(char *xx) {
-    s_vpi_value value;
-    vpiHandle ch = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0);
-    vpiHandle argv = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, ch);
-    vpiHandle handle=vpi_scan(argv);
-    value.format = vpiIntVal;
-    vpi_get_value(handle, &value);
-    int h = value.value.integer;
-    if (!checkHandle(h)) return 0;
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKI(handle);
+    VPI_END();
-    /* We leak a bit of memory for the pointer in the vector,
+    AVR_HCHECK();
+    /* We may leak a bity of memory for the pointer in the vector,
        but... what the hell! */
-    delete devices[h];
-    devices[h]=0;
+    delete devices[handle];
+    devices[handle]=0;
     return 0;
@@ -146,53 +183,34 @@ static PLI_INT32 avr_destroy_tf(char *xx) {
 static PLI_INT32 avr_tick_tf(char *xx) {
-    s_vpi_value value;
-    vpiHandle ch = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0);
-    vpiHandle argv = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, ch);
-    vpiHandle handle=vpi_scan(argv);
-    value.format = vpiIntVal;
-    vpi_get_value(handle, &value);
-    int h = value.value.integer;
-    if (!checkHandle(h)) return 0;
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKI(handle);
+    VPI_END();
+    AVR_HCHECK();
-    /* Lets do a HARDWARE step in the AVR core.
-       uC stepping in opcode units does not seem to make any sense from this
-       HDL view. But it looks like avrdevice does have no interest in this
-       value at all? */
     bool no_hw=false;
-    devices[h]->Step(no_hw); 
+    devices[handle]->Step(no_hw); 
     return 0;
   This function reads an AVR pin value.
   Usage from verilog:
-  $avr_pin_get(handle, name, value)
+  $avr_pin_get(handle, name) -> value
 static PLI_INT32 avr_get_pin_tf(char *xx) {
-    s_vpi_value value;
-    vpiHandle ch = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0);
-    vpiHandle argv = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, ch);
-    vpiHandle handle=vpi_scan(argv);
-    vpiHandle _name=vpi_scan(argv);
-    vpiHandle _value=vpi_scan(argv);
-    value.format = vpiIntVal;
-    vpi_get_value(handle, &value);
-    int h = value.value.integer;
-    if (!checkHandle(h)) return 0;
-    value.format = vpiStringVal;
-    vpi_get_value(_name, &value);
-    std::string name=value.value.str;
-    Pin *pin=devices[h]->GetPin(name.c_str());
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKI(handle);
+    VPI_UNPACKS(name);
+    VPI_END();
+    AVR_HCHECK();
+    Pin *pin=devices[handle]->GetPin(name.c_str());
     int ret(pin->outState);
-    value.format = vpiIntVal;
-    value.value.integer = ret;
-    vpi_put_value(_value, &value, 0, vpiNoDelay);
-    return 0;
+    VPI_RETURN_INT(ret);
@@ -201,98 +219,123 @@ static PLI_INT32 avr_get_pin_tf(char *xx) {
   $avr_pin_set(handle, name, val)
 static PLI_INT32 avr_set_pin_tf(char *xx) {
-    s_vpi_value value;
-    vpiHandle ch = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, 0);
-    vpiHandle argv = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, ch);
-    vpiHandle handle=vpi_scan(argv);
-    vpiHandle _name=vpi_scan(argv);
-    vpiHandle _value=vpi_scan(argv);
-    value.format = vpiIntVal;
-    vpi_get_value(handle, &value);
-    int h = value.value.integer;
-    if (!checkHandle(h)) return 0;
-    value.format = vpiStringVal;
-    vpi_get_value(_name, &value);
-    std::string name=value.value.str;
-    Pin *pin=devices[h]->GetPin(name.c_str());
-    value.format = vpiIntVal;
-    vpi_get_value(_value, &value);
-    int val=value.value.integer;
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKI(handle);
+    VPI_UNPACKS(name);
+    VPI_UNPACKI(val);
+    VPI_END();
+    AVR_HCHECK();
+    Pin *pin=devices[handle]->GetPin(name.c_str());
     /* FIXME: Simply exports AVR pin states to verilog. This
-       a breach of abstractions. */
+       may be considered a breach of abstractions.
+       */
     return 0;
-static void register_tasks() {
-    {
-       s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;
-       tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;
-       tf_data.tfname    = "$avr_create";
-       tf_data.calltf    = avr_create_tf;
-       tf_data.compiletf = 0;
-       tf_data.sizetf    = 0;
-       vpi_register_systf(&tf_data);
-    }
-    {
-       s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;
-       tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;
-       tf_data.tfname    = "$avr_reset";
-       tf_data.calltf    = avr_reset_tf;
-       tf_data.compiletf = 0;
-       tf_data.sizetf    = 0;
-       vpi_register_systf(&tf_data);
-    }
-    {
-       s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;
-       tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;
-       tf_data.tfname    = "$avr_destroy";
-       tf_data.calltf    = avr_destroy_tf;
-       tf_data.compiletf = 0;
-       tf_data.sizetf    = 0;
-       vpi_register_systf(&tf_data);
-    }
+  This function reads the value of the program counter
+  in the AVR.
+  Usage from verilog:
+  $avr_get_pc(handle) -> pc_value
+static PLI_INT32 avr_get_pc_tf(char *xx) {
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKI(handle);
+    VPI_END();
-    {
-       s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;
-       tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;
-       tf_data.tfname    = "$avr_tick";
-       tf_data.calltf    = avr_tick_tf;
-       tf_data.compiletf = 0;
-       tf_data.sizetf    = 0;
-       vpi_register_systf(&tf_data);
-    }
+    AVR_HCHECK();
-    {
-       s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;
-       tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;
-       tf_data.tfname    = "$avr_get_pin";
-       tf_data.calltf    = avr_get_pin_tf;
-       tf_data.compiletf = 0;
-       tf_data.sizetf    = 0;
-       vpi_register_systf(&tf_data);
-    }
+    VPI_RETURN_INT(devices[handle]->PC);
+  This function reads the value of a RAM-readable
+  location in the AVR (0..31 are the regs, followed by the IO-space etc).
+  Usage from verilog:
+  $avr_get_rw(handle, adr) -> val
+  where
+  adr is the adress to read
+  and val is the returned value at that address
+static PLI_INT32 avr_get_rw_tf(char *xx) {
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKI(handle);
+    VPI_UNPACKI(address);
+    VPI_END();
+    AVR_HCHECK();
+    VPI_RETURN_INT(*(devices[handle]->rw[address]));
+  Counterpart to avr_get_rw_tf. It sets the value of a RAM-readable
+  location in the AVR (0..31 are the regs, followed by the IO-space etc).
+  Usage from verilog:
+  $avr_set_rw(handle, adr, val)
+  where
+  adr is the adress to read
+  and val is the value to set at that address
+static PLI_INT32 avr_set_rw_tf(char *xx) {
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKI(handle);
+    VPI_UNPACKI(address);
+    VPI_UNPACKI(val);
+    VPI_END();
+    AVR_HCHECK();
+    *(devices[handle]->rw[address])=val;
+    return 0;
+  Enable or disable tracing for all AVR core.
+  TODO: Implement tracing per core?
+  Usage from Verilog:
+  $avr_trace(tracename)
-    {
-       s_vpi_systf_data tf_data;
-       tf_data.type      = vpiSysTask;
-       tf_data.tfname    = "$avr_set_pin";
-       tf_data.calltf    = avr_set_pin_tf;
-       tf_data.compiletf = 0;
-       tf_data.sizetf    = 0;
-       vpi_register_systf(&tf_data);
+  where
+  tracename is the output file name for tracing. If it is the empty string,
+  tracing will be disabled again and the file will be closed.
+static PLI_INT32 avr_trace_tf(char *xx) {
+    VPI_BEGIN();
+    VPI_UNPACKS(tracename);
+    VPI_END();
+    if (tracename.length()) {
+       for (size_t i=0; i < devices.size(); i++)
+           devices[i]->trace_on=1;
+    } else {
+       traceOut.close();
+       for (size_t i=0; i < devices.size(); i++)
+           devices[i]->trace_on=0;
+static void register_tasks() {
+    VPI_REGISTER_FUNC(avr_create);
+    VPI_REGISTER_TASK(avr_reset);
+    VPI_REGISTER_TASK(avr_destroy);
+    VPI_REGISTER_TASK(avr_tick);
+    VPI_REGISTER_FUNC(avr_get_pin);
+    VPI_REGISTER_TASK(avr_set_pin);
+    VPI_REGISTER_FUNC(avr_get_pc);
+    VPI_REGISTER_FUNC(avr_get_rw);
+    VPI_REGISTER_TASK(avr_set_rw);
+    VPI_REGISTER_TASK(avr_trace);
 /* This is a table of register functions. This table is the external symbol
    that the simulator looks for when loading this .vpi module. */
 void (*vlog_startup_routines[])() = {

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