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Re: Simulavrxx revival, was Re: [Simulavr-devel] [patch #7079] Trace fix

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Simulavrxx revival, was Re: [Simulavr-devel] [patch #7079] Trace fixes and better memory access
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 21:11:08 -0700

On Wed Feb 17 14:51 , Onno Kortmann  sent:

>I like the general idea of having methods to access the rwmem array, but did 
>you really benchmark your code for performance?
>Also, I like to point out that your patch to avrdevice.* conflicts with 
>Thomas' changes and he implemented the access methods as far as I see as one 
>single one for each direction, "GetRWMem" and "SetRWMem". I have not a strong 
>personal opinion on either one, but I think that we either need a merged 
>interface supporting all ways of accessing (per SRAM, per IO and per RWMEM 
>offset) or proceed with one implementation. This boils down to the forking

Note that we normally deal with three address spaces:
"SRAM", flash and EEPROM.
R0-R31 and the "IO" registers are in the "SRAM" address space.
The flash and EEPROM address spaces are pretty much flat.
The "SRAM" address space is a lot more interesting.

>problem here and git vs. SVN.
>So... asking all people around here: How do feel about our (Thomas' and mine) 
>repo? We are at the point where we're sufficiently diverged from the main 
>code to be incompatible for quite a lot of patches. But I think we ARE better 
>than CVS HEAD. Really. Please. Look at it. 
>I suggest that someone of the admins gives Thomas, Petr and me full access to 
>savannah, let us replace the svn with a newer git repo, let us update the web 
>site (at least with a short description that development is ongoing, I 
>volunteer for this short website update, just having the date 2010 on there 
>would help) and get simulavrxx going again. An ages-old website puts off 
>potential contributors and users efficiently.

This seems rather like you will continue going your own
way unless the savannah repository is converted to git.

I don't know that I would want to move to git.
So far, even with hand-holding, I haven't managed the first step.

Subversion would be okay.

Michael Hennebry
"War is only a hobby."

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