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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Support for Visual Studio?

From: Onno Kortmann
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Support for Visual Studio?
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 12:37:26 -0800
User-agent: KMail/1.13.2 (Linux/2.6.32-27-generic; KDE/4.4.2; i686; ; )

Hi Petr,
> Adding getopt() implementation.
> Disabling compilation of vpi.h (it uses some strange types and depends
> on Verilog or something).
> Changed some #includes.
> Altered socket interface.
> Crippled AvrDevice::Load() since it depends on BDF library.
> (There might be more. Note to self: search for _MSC_VER macro.)
As long as the linux/unix version is not at all affected and you only check in 
extra build/configuration files for the VS build, I do not see any problems. 

But please do not break functionality just to support a VS studio build. Such 
as the ELF loading or the _optional_ Verilog interface (which Thomas spent 
some time to make configure checks for!). You should be able to make all these 
settings in your VS build configuration or by properly adapting some #includes 
(while checking that the changes still compile fine on linux/...), not by 
removing stuff nor commenting it out in the

I do not use windows, but AFAIK, the cygwin/mingw build still works, doesn't 
it? So I do not really see the point of a VS build, but if you think it is 
worth it and if it does not break or adversely change anything else - why not?

Also, as I do not use windows, I am not able to check whether new code that I 
may write will be compilable with VS. And I suppose the MS libraries/APIs 
differ much more from the linux ones than there is a difference between any bsd 
and linux. So you probably need to make sure from time to time then, that the 
VS build still compiles. But as there are not so many changes lately, this 
should not be a big issue :-) 

What do the others think?

Ahh, and one last thing: Maybe easier than posting the patch would be to make 
a private branch on the simulavr git repo, named petr-*, such as
petr-visualstudio, which everyone could have a look at then, before it gets 
merged into HEAD. Git simplifies things here. If you do not feel fine doing 
that, just post the patch.



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