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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Simulavr unit-tests

From: ThomasK
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Simulavr unit-tests
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2011 07:11:19 +0200
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Hi Petr & Sergei,

oops, not sent to list! Here again:

there are some unit tests in simulavr test suite - but nobody knows this. :-) Look in regress directory and below and try "make check" - not only to look for unit tests ... ;-)

cu, Thomas

Am 07.07.2011 00:33, schrieb Petr Hluzín:
2011/7/6 Сергей Смирнов<address@hidden>:
Are there any ready Python unit-tests for simulavr except for those 5 in the 
'examples' location? Is there some kind of simulavr unit test database? How do 
you test simulavr when adding new models of microcontrollers?

There are no other tests, AFAIK.

When adding a new microcontroller then any existing tests would
exercise components which already exist. Existing examples can be
reused only for verifying IO register addresses (by compiling an
example for different MCU) - if the new MCU uses the same peripheral.

A new MCU family usually contains only few new lines of code, usually
it is just rewriting from a datasheet. Only new or different
peripheral would bring substantial amount of code - in such case I
would use existing know-working code somewhere from Internet to verify

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