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Re: [Social-discuss] Languages -- let's make a web application

From: Matt Lee
Subject: Re: [Social-discuss] Languages -- let's make a web application
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 13:56:20 -0400
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On 03/28/2010 01:50 PM, Henry Litwhiler wrote:

> PHP simply isn't the language we want to use for the *backbone* of GNU
> Social. It's all well and good for parsing data and displaying it to the
> browser, but it simply isn't suited for the nitty-gritty work of
> handling node-to-node communications - at least, not in the distributed,
> p2p model that Ted Smith and I envision.

Well, it has to be. We have to find a way to make it work.

We cannot, and will not, expect novice users to install Python
applications on commodity web hosting.

There's no reason at all why I can't set up a server, publish my social
activity to my own server and have my friends pull that information in.

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