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RE: Explanation of error messages.

From: Ron Snyder
Subject: RE: Explanation of error messages.
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:09:33 -0700

> Return should never segfault :)  Try the "disassemble" gdb command and
> see what the code at 0xb94d is doing (i.e. see if it's really a ret
> instruction).  Maybe gdb is lying.  Actually, since a C++ string was
> allocated in read_pipe, it might be segfaulting in the destructor.

I've included some context around 0xb94d to help...

    call   0xbf9c
0xb920 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2828>:        addl   $0x18,%esp
0xb923 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2831>:        pushl  $0xadf4
0xb928 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2836>:        pushl  $0x2
0xb92a <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2838>:        call   0xba68
0xb92f <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2843>:        addl   $0x10,%esp
0xb932 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2846>:        addl   $0xfffffff8,%esp
0xb935 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2849>:        pushl  $0xae02
0xb93a <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2854>:        pushl  $0x1
0xb93c <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2856>:        call   0xba68
0xb941 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2861>:        movl   0xfffffb18(%ebp),%eax
0xb947 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2867>:        movl   0x4(%eax),%edx
0xb94a <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2870>:        movl   0x4(%edx),%eax
0xb94d <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2873>:        movl   (%eax),%eax
0xb94f <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2875>:        movl   %eax,0x4(%edx)
0xb952 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2878>:        movl   0xfffffbfc(%ebp),%ecx
0xb958 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2884>:        leal   0xfffffff0(%ecx),%edi
0xb95b <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2887>:        movl   0xfffffff8(%ecx),%eax
0xb95e <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2890>:        leal   0xffffffff(%eax),%edx
0xb961 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2893>:        movl   %edx,0xfffffff8(%ecx)
0xb964 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2896>:        cmpl   $0x1,%eax
0xb967 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2899>:        
    jne    0xb9a0 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2956>
0xb969 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2901>:        movl   0xfffffff4(%ecx),%edx
0xb96c <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2904>:        leal   0x10(%edx),%eax
0xb96f <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2907>:        cmpl   $0x80,%eax
0xb974 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2912>:        
    jbe    0xb984 <read_pipe__12SpamAssassin+2928>

I hope this helps!

Let me know if you want the rest of it.


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