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[STUMP] wifi contrib module [patch]

From: Russell Sim
Subject: [STUMP] wifi contrib module [patch]
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:11:30 +1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)


After reading over Bill's configuration I decided to finally install
stump on my laptop.  While doing this I have found that the wifi module
doesn't work on newer kernels because the wireless directory for sysfs
has been removed.

I have modified it to use iw which is supposed to be replacing iwconfig
and seems to do a better job of filtering out unused interfaces.


diff --git a/contrib/wifi.lisp b/contrib/wifi.lisp
index 2063c65..bf346c0 100644
--- a/contrib/wifi.lisp
+++ b/contrib/wifi.lisp
@@ -38,17 +38,21 @@
 (defpackage :stumpwm.contrib.wifi
   (:use :common-lisp :stumpwm )
-  (:export #:*iwconfig-path*
-           #:*wireless-device*))
+  (:export #:*iw-path*
+           #:*wireless-device*
+           #:*wireless-cache-interval*))
 (in-package :stumpwm.contrib.wifi)
-(defvar *iwconfig-path* "/sbin/iwconfig"
-  "Location if iwconfig, defaults to /sbin/iwconfig.")
+(defvar *iw-path* "/sbin/iw"
+  "Location if iw, defaults to /sbin/iw.")
 (defvar *wireless-device* nil
   "Set to the name of the wireless device you want to monitor. If set
   to NIL, try to guess.")
+(defvar *wireless-cache-interval* 5
+  "The number of seconds that can pass before refreshing.")
 (defmacro defun-cached (name interval arglist &body body)
   "Creates a function that does simple caching. The body must be
 written in a functional style - the value returned is set as the
@@ -71,45 +75,65 @@ prev-val."
 (defun guess-wireless-device ()
-  (or (loop
-         for path in (list-directory "/sys/class/net/")
-         thereis (let ((device-name (car (last (pathname-directory path)))))
-                   (if (probe-file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory 
'(:relative "wireless")
-                                                                   :name 
-                                                    path))
-                       device-name
-                       nil)))
-      (error "No wireless device found.")))
-(defun read-wifi-info (device what)
-  (let ((path (make-pathname :directory `(:absolute "sys" "class" "net" 
,device "wireless"))))
-    (with-open-file (in (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name what)
-                                         path))
-      (read-line-from-sysfs in))))
-(defun read-wifi-info-int (device what)
-  (parse-integer (read-wifi-info device what)))
-(defun-cached fmt-wifi 5 (ml)
+  (multiple-value-bind (match? sub)
+      (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings
+       "Interface (.*)"
+       (run-shell-command (format nil "~A dev" *iw-path*) t))
+    (if match?
+        (aref sub 0)
+        (error "No wireless device found."))))
+(defun read-wifi-info (device)
+  (let ((info (run-shell-command (format nil "~A dev ~A link" *iw-path* 
device) t)))
+    (list
+     :ssid
+     (multiple-value-bind (match? sub)
+         (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "SSID: (.*)" info)
+       (if match? (aref sub 0) nil))
+     :freq
+     (multiple-value-bind (match? sub)
+         (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "freq: (.*)" info)
+       (if match? (parse-integer (aref sub 0)) nil))
+     :signal
+     (multiple-value-bind (match? sub)
+         (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "signal: (.*) dBm" info)
+       (if match? (parse-integer (aref sub 0)) nil))
+     :tx-bitrate
+     (multiple-value-bind (match? sub)
+         (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "tx bitrate: (.*)" info)
+       (if match? (aref sub 0) nil)))))
+(defun color-signal-strength (signal-strength)
+  (bar-zone-color
+   (if (numberp signal-strength)
+       (abs signal-strength)
+       0)
+   40 30 15 t))
+(defun-cached fmt-wifi *wireless-cache-interval* (ml)
   "Formatter for wifi status. Displays the ESSID of the access point
 you're connected to as well as the signal strength. When no valid data
 is found, just displays nil."
   (declare (ignore ml))
-      (let* ((device (or *wireless-device* (guess-wireless-device)))
-             (essid (multiple-value-bind (match? sub)
-                        (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "ESSID:\"(.*)\""
-                                                  (run-shell-command (format 
nil "~A ~A 2>/dev/null"
-                                                                     t))
-                      (if match?
-                          (aref sub 0)
-                          (return-from fmt-wifi "no link")))))
-        (let* ((qual (read-wifi-info-int device "link")))
-          (format nil "~A ^[~A~D%^]"
-                  essid (bar-zone-color qual 40 30 15 t) qual)))
+      (Let* ((device (or *wireless-device* (guess-wireless-device))))
+        (destructuring-bind (&key ssid freq signal tx-bitrate)
+            (read-wifi-info device)
+            (format nil "~A ^[~A~D dBm^]" ssid (color-signal-strength signal) 
+    ;; CLISP has annoying newlines in their error messages... Just
+    ;; print a string showing our confusion.
+    (t (c) (format nil "~A" c))))
+(defun-cached fmt-wifi-short *wireless-cache-interval* (ml)
+  "Formatter for wifi status. Displays the signal strength. When no
+valid data is found, just displays nil."
+  (declare (ignore ml))
+  (handler-case
+      (let* ((device (or *wireless-device* (guess-wireless-device))))
+        (destructuring-bind (&key ssid freq signal tx-bitrate)
+            (read-wifi-info device)
+            (format nil "^[~A~D dBm^]" (color-signal-strength signal) signal)))
     ;; CLISP has annoying newlines in their error messages... Just
     ;; print a string showing our confusion.
     (t (c) (format nil "~A" c))))
@@ -118,4 +142,6 @@ is found, just displays nil."
 (add-screen-mode-line-formatter #\I #'fmt-wifi)
+(add-screen-mode-line-formatter #\i #'fmt-wifi-short)
 ;;; EOF

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