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ASM Patch 3 nearing completion; hdf5 question

From: Paul E. Johnson
Subject: ASM Patch 3 nearing completion; hdf5 question
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 16:49:54 -0500

If  any of you are still using ASM, perhaps you will check out the
newest batch from cvs. I'm nearing the end of my obligation to retool
that code base to make it more modern and Swarmy, I think. This new snap
emphasizes parameter management and data output.

Before I finalize and remove the debug code, I have a couble  hdf5
question to ask.  I just dumped some objects shallow like this:

 sprintf (worldName, "world%ld",t);
  sprintf (specName, "specialist%4.0ld",t);

   [dataArchiver putShallow: worldName object: outputWorld];
#ifdef USE_LISP
  [dataArchiver sync];

   [dataArchiver putShallow: specName  object: outputSpecialist];
#ifdef USE_LISP
   [archiver sync];

Compiled with USE_LISP, it runs with no errors, but without, I get a lot
of hdf5 warnings.  I understand these are telling me  it is ignoring my
"deep" objects with this shallow save.  Other than that, they don't do
any harm, do they?

*** event raised for warning: SaveWarning
*** function: process_ivar(), file:
line: 776
skipping `agentList'
*** execution continuing...
*** event raised for warning: SaveWarning
*** function: process_ivar(), file:
line: 776
skipping `worldForSpec'
*** execution continuing...

Next, when I read that data file into R:
>hdf5load(" swarmDataArchiveFri_Jun_29_16_38_33_2001.hdf")

what I see is one R object for each time the data was saved.   I have no
idea how to put all the times into a single data frame, but I expect I
can figure that out if needed.  Here is what I want to know. Should I
redesign my output so that the hdf5 data set is like a data frame from
the start, you know

time  output
0           23
1           34
2          35

Instead of having a different object for each time point?


SNAP3: ASM 2001070x July 2001

The aim has been to bring this model into convenient Swarm standards.
Actually, the real aim has been to make ASM an effective teaching
tool and an example of good simulation coding practice.
Part of that is a modernization of the data handling, both the
input of parameter values, and record keeping of parameter values, as
well as the saving of data.  One of my pet peeves about Swarm is that
we do not have a standard, idiot proof way to keep records on the
settings and results are for a particular run.  We also don't have
fool proof ways to interate models and run simulations over again.

First, note the big parameter input file "asm.scm".  This has the
initial values for three classes, bfParams, asmModelParms, and
asmBatchParams.  This data is "called" to create the classes, you have
to stare at it a while to get used to it.  Where we used to have the
createBegin/createEnd routine for a class, now we've got this
different thing that creates a class and initializes its ivars for us,
like so

asmModelParams =[lispAppArchiver getWithZone: self key:

The asmModelParms class is a new parameter-holding/setting class for
the values of the model level. The BFParams class is parameters used
by the BFAgents.

The advantage of putting these parameter settings in separate files is
that those files can be edited and the model re-run without
recompiling the program.  I've never seen a working example, but it
seems logical enough a person could write a program to pump out an
.scm file, then run the model, then write the .scm file, run the
model, etc.

It is more within my background, instead, to pass command line arguments

to the model in order to vary parameters or get runs with different
That's why I've introduced a Parameters class, which can handle both
command line arguments and it also orchestrates the creation of objects
for BFParams and ASMModelParams. If we ever wanted to set command line
parameters with this model, we would do it here.

Both BFParams and the ASMModelParams classes are created in the
Parameters class, and are then passed to the ASMObserverSwarm, and
then into model swarm.  I did this to keep the user interface
consistent with the original ASM-Swarm model.

Now, about outputting results. I've done my best to consolidate and
simplify all data writing in the Output class.

This code has a preprocessor flag to control the behavior of data
storage. If you use the flag USE_LISP, then the data files are saved
in the .scm format, which is "scheme".  Otherwise, it uses hdf5

The ASMObserverSwarm has a probe display with 2 interesting
buttons. One is "writeSimulationParams" and the other
"toggleDataWrite".  These were in the original ASM Swarm model, but
I've replaced the functionality with the newer storage methods.  The
first causes the system to write the parameter values into a file,
such as


if you did not compile with the USE_LISP flag.  Otherwise you get a
.scm file.  One key change from the old ASM is that you can push that
button at time 0, and it will save a snap at that time, and any time
you stop the model, you can change parameters and punch the button
again, and it will also save a snapshot at quit time.  It is a little
tricky making sure the objects are created in the right order and
early enough to allow this to work.

I personally prefer to save data in raw ASCII format, for reasons of
portability and permanence of access.  So this simulation creates a
text file if you punch that button.  I think
filenames that have the date in them are good to help remember when
they were originally created, for example.  It creates an ASCII file,
for example,


However, I understand the reasons others are pushing to use more
refined formats.  Many people are digging into hdf5 format for data
storage, and I've taken a look at that too.  I took the easy road and
just dumped the whole world and specialist class with swarm's
archiver. It seems to work great?!  The output file is called
something like



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