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Re: object id

From: Ginger Booth
Subject: Re: object id
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 96 10:14:53 EDT


> You mean a libtclobjc name right? If so, this is probably what you're 
> looking for (from ..wherever../libtclObjc/tclObjc.h):
>    id tclObjc_nameToObject(const char *name)

Yes!  Thanks!  I knew it had to exist somewhere, but I assumed all the
libtclObjc header files were installed on /usr/local.

2.  I wasn't paying enough attention when y'all were discussing _builtin_apply
and the Tcl problems on the HP's....  Now I'm confused.

    a. I can't get any method I dream up to pass a double parameter.  None of
       these work (correctly - some do wrong, most I can't get to compile):
        mptr = objc_msg_lookup( object, selector );
        // I deleted the syntax to call mptr - wouldn't compile.

        [object perform: selector with: (id) 8.0];

        // The following does not work, alas...grandma breedsize set to 0
        [globalTkInterp registerObject: 
            withName: "plantGrandma"];
        [globalTkInterp eval: "%s", "[plantGrandma setBreedSize 8.0]"] ;

    b. So...is this an HP specific bug?  As in, are you confident that the
       problem is the same as the one you've seen in mousing, and the solution
       needs to be in builtin_apply?
If so, when might this be fixed?  I'm not going to have an executable protocol
unless I can pass doubles, period.  Can't find any way around.  So...I've got
more framework to build, if I know this is going to be available.


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