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[no subject]

From: Patrick McNeill
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 96 09:39:02 EDT

I've got a big problem and no idea of what it is...  In my sim, it keeps 
dumping core on the same line - the exact reason depends on whether or not the
line is uncommented.  I've looked at everything but haven't come up with 
anything...  Here's the trace:

(uncommented line 123)
#0  0xd28c4 in objc_msg_lookup (receiver=0x0, op=0xf6010) at sendmsg.c:119
#1  0x9774 in _i_UAVModelSwarm__buildObjects (self=0x17a708, _cmd=0xf5aa0)
    at UAVModelSwarm.m:123
#2  0x72e4 in _i_OmniObserverSwarm__buildObjects (self=0x15c230, _cmd=0xf542c)
    at OmniObserverSwarm.m:72
#3  0x507c in main (argc=1, argv=0xeffffca4) at main.m:10

(commented line 123)
#0  0xd2844 in objc_msg_lookup (receiver=0x14d138, op=0xf6008) at sarray.h:210
#1  0x9774 in _i_UAVModelSwarm__buildObjects (self=0x17a6f8, _cmd=0xf5aa0)
    at UAVModelSwarm.m:123
#2  0x72e4 in _i_OmniObserverSwarm__buildObjects (self=0x15c220, _cmd=0xf542c)
    at OmniObserverSwarm.m:72
#3  0x507c in main (argc=1, argv=0xeffffca4) at main.m:10

In both cases, before the first prompt gdb says <filename>:xxx:No such file or
Directory, where filename is either sendmsg.c or sarray.c and xxx is 119 or 210.
I assume this is because they aren't in the directory with my sim...

The actual code, the buildObjects in UAVModelSwarm.m is:
        int i;
        int tempX;
        int tempY;
        if ((tankWorld == nil) || (buildWorld == nil))
                [InvalidCombination raiseEvent: "You didn't assign a tankWorld 
to the UAVModelSwarm class."];
        [super buildObjects];

        world = [Grid2d createBegin: [self getZone]];
        [world setSizeX: worldXSize Y: worldYSize];
        world = [world createEnd];
        [world setOverwriteWarnings: 0];

        UAVList = [List create: [self getZone]];

        for (i=0;i<numUAV;i++)
                UAVBase * uav;

                writeInt(i); writeMsg("Entering loop");

                uav = [UAVBase createBegin: [self getZone]];
                [uav setWorld: world];
                [uav setTankWorld: tankWorld];
                [uav setBuildWorld: buildWorld];
                uav = [uav createEnd];

                [UAVList addLast: uav];
                tempX = [uniformRandom rMin: 250 Max: 300];
                tempY = [uniformRandom rMin: 250 Max: 300];

                writeInt(i); writeMsg("Finding Position");

                while ([world getObjectAtX: tempX Y: tempY] != nil)
                        tempX = [uniformRandom rMin: 250 Max: 300];
                        tempY = [uniformRandom rMin: 250 Max: 300];
                writeInt(i); writeMsg("Position Found");
                [uav setCurDirection: [uniformRandom rMin: 1 Max: 2]];
// The following line is the one that the core dumps on...
                [uav setCurAcceleration: 0.0];
                writeInt(i); writeMsg("Past acceleration placement");
                [uav setCurVelocity: [uniformRandom rMin: 7 Max: 10]];
                [uav setColor: 61];
                [uav setX: tempX Y: tempY Z: 10];

        return self;

Just so you know, writeMsg and writeInt are two logging functions I wrote for
debugging, and don't affect the error (except the line number).

If anybody can give me any help I would be really appreciative...  Thanks!!!!!

-Patrick McNeill

http://www.tjhsst.edu/people/pmcneill               address@hidden
-< Web >-                                                -< Email >-
And now a daily fortune... 

"Dun't cume-a beck unteel yuoo hefe-a heem", zee Teeck-Tuck Mun seeed qooeeetly,
seencerely, ixtremely dungeruoosly.

Zeey used dugs.  Zeey used prubes.  Zeey used cerdeeu plete-a crussuffffs.
Zeey used teepers.  Zeey used breebery.  Zeey used steeck teetes.  Zeey
used inteemideshun.  Zeey used turment.  Zeey used turtoore-a.  Zeey used
feenks.  Zeey used cups.  Zeey used seerch und seeezoore-a.  Zeey used
fellerun.  Zeey used betterment incenteefes.  Zeey used feenger preents.
Zeey used zee berteelliun system.  Zeey used coonneeng.  Zeey used gooeele-a.
Zeey used treechery.  Zeey used Reuool-Meetgung boot he-a vesn't mooch help.
Zeey used eppleeed physeecs.  Zeey used techneeqooes ooff creeminulugy.  Und
vhet zee hell, zeey cooght heem.

                -- Herlun Illeesun, "Repent, Herleqooeen, seeed zee
                   Teeck-Tuck Mun"

 * Just in case you were wondering, the "fortune" above is 
   automatically generated from either the "Chef-Fortunes" file, my
   new James fortune database, or the standard database.

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