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From: Manor Askenazi
Subject: Vacation
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 96 19:58:07 MDT


Just a short email to say that the help-desk will be closed again until 
the 6th of August... I hope some of the more experienced beta-testers 
amongst you will cover for us during this period :-)

So that you don't feel completely cheated by this defection into 
vacation-land, I am posting three new classes which you can add to 
your installation of Swarm without having to recompile everything 
from scratch: EZGraph, UName and Entropy.

Also, I'd like to report that our local development version of Swarm
now has scrollbars on the Probes, a -batchmode flag, and a basic 
framework for loading objects from files (more on this when I return).

See y'all soon,


PS> The EZGraph class is meant to reduce the need for dozens of objects 
just to get a few graphs going. It is used as follows...

Example code from heatbugs:

// Create the graph widget to display unhappiness.
  unhappyGraph = [EZGraph createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [unhappyGraph setTitle: "Unhappiness of bugs vs. time"];
  [unhappyGraph setAxisLabelsX: "time" Y: "unhappiness"];
  unhappyGraph = [unhappyGraph createEnd] ;

  [unhappyGraph createAverageSequence: "average unhappiness"
                         withFeedFrom: [heatbugModelSwarm getHeatbugList] 
                          andSelector: M(getUnhappiness)] ;

  [unhappyGraph createMinSequence: "minimum unhappiness"
                         withFeedFrom: [heatbugModelSwarm getHeatbugList] 
                          andSelector: M(getUnhappiness)] ;

  [unhappyGraph createMaxSequence: "maximum unhappiness"
                         withFeedFrom: [heatbugModelSwarm getHeatbugList] 
                          andSelector: M(getUnhappiness)] ;


In order to add the first two classes, you will need to drop the following 
four files into ..whatever../swarm/src/simtools and edit the makefile as 


OBJECTS=<<<loads of .o files...>>> EZGraph.o UName.o
HEADERS=<<<loads of .h files...>>> EZGraph.h UName.h
include $(SWARMHOME)/Makefile.lib

<<<loads of make rules>>>
EZGraph.o: EZGraph.m EZGraph.h
UName.o: UName.m UName.h


Also you will need to edit the simtools.h file as follows:


<<<loads of #import lines>>>
#import <simtools/EZGraph.h>
#import <simtools/UName.h>


Now simply type make.

The files to add are:

=============================== UName.h ====================================

// Swarm library. Copyright (C) 1996 Santa Fe Institute.
// This library is distributed without any warranty; without even the
// implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
// See file LICENSE for details and terms of copying.

// Unique Name Generator -> used to create names (using a base string "critter"
//                          it generates "critter1", "critter2", etc. etc.

#import <swarmobject.h>

@interface UName : SwarmObject {
  int counter ;
  id baseString ;

+create: aZone setBaseName: (char *) aString ;
+create: aZone setBaseNameObject: aStringObject ;

-setBaseName: (char *) aString ;
-setBaseNameObject: aStringObject ;

-(char *)getNewName ;
-getNewNameObject ;

-resetCounter ;



=============================== UName.m ====================================

// Swarm library. Copyright (C) 1996 Santa Fe Institute.
// This library is distributed without any warranty; without even the
// implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
// See file LICENSE for details and terms of copying.

#define __USE_FIXED_PROTOTYPES__  // for gcc headers
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <string.h>
#import <collections/String.h>
#import "UName.h"

@implementation UName

+ create: aZone setBaseName: (char *) aString{
  id obj;

  obj = [super createBegin: aZone] ;
  [obj setBaseName: aString] ;
  [obj createEnd] ;
  return obj ;

+ create: aZone setBaseNameObject: aStringObject{
  id obj;

  obj = [super create: aZone] ;
  [obj setBaseNameObject: aStringObject] ;
  [obj createEnd] ;

  return obj ;

-resetCounter {
  counter = 0 ;
  return self ;

-setBaseName: (char *) aString {
  baseString = [String create: [self getZone] setC: aString] ;
  return self ;

-setBaseNameObject: aStringObject {
  baseString = aStringObject ;
  return self ;

-createEnd {

            "No Base Name was given when creating a UName object...\n") ;
    exit(-1) ;

  [super createEnd] ;
  [self resetCounter] ;
  return self ;

-(char *)getNewName {
  id aCopy ;
  char suffix[11] ;
  char *result ;

  aCopy = [self copy] ;

  sprintf(suffix,"%d",counter) ;

  counter++ ;
  [aCopy appendC: suffix] ;

  result = strdup([aCopy getC]) ;

  [aCopy drop] ;

  return result ;

-getNewNameObject {
  id aCopy ;
  char suffix[11] ;

  aCopy = [self copy] ;

  sprintf(suffix,"%d",counter) ;

  counter++ ;
  [aCopy appendC: suffix] ;

  return aCopy ;



=============================== EZGraph.h ==================================

// Swarm library. Copyright (C) 1996 Santa Fe Institute.
// This library is distributed without any warranty; without even the
// implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
// See file LICENSE for details and terms of copying.

// Simple Graph Object -> encapsulates many of the low-level objects 
//                        required to get graphs to work...

#import <swarmobject.h>

@class EZGraph;
@class EZSequence;
@class EZAverageSequence;

@interface EZGraph : Widget {
  id sequenceList ;
  id theGraph ;
//  int graphics ;
  char * suffix ;
  char * xLabel ;
  char * yLabel ;
  char *  title ;

// -setGraphics: (int) state ;
// -setSuffix: (char *) aSuffix ;

-setTitle: (char *) aTitle ;
-setAxisLabelsX: (char *) xl Y: (char *) yl ;

-createEnd ;

-getGraph ;

-createSequence: (char *) aName  
   withFeedFrom:          anObj 
    andSelector: (SEL) aSel ;

-createAverageSequence: (char * ) aName 
          withFeedFrom: aList 
           andSelector: (SEL) aSel ;

-createTotalSequence: (char *) aName 
        withFeedFrom: aList 
         andSelector: (SEL) aSel ;

-createMinSequence: (char *) aName 
      withFeedFrom: aList 
       andSelector: (SEL) aSel ;

-createMaxSequence: (char *) aName 
      withFeedFrom: aList 
       andSelector: (SEL) aSel ;

-createCountSequence: (char *) aName 
        withFeedFrom: aList 
         andSelector: (SEL) aSel ;

-step ;


@interface EZSequence : ActiveGraph {
//  FILE *theFile ;

-step ;


@interface EZAverageSequence : SwarmObject {
  id theAverager ;
  id theGrapher ;

-setAverager: anAverager ;
-setGrapher: aGrapher ;

-step ;



=============================== EZGraph.m ==================================

// Swarm library. Copyright (C) 1996 Santa Fe Institute.
// This library is distributed without any warranty; without even the
// implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
// See file LICENSE for details and terms of copying.

#import <collections.h>
#import <tkobjc.h>

#import "EZGraph.h"

@implementation EZGraph

+createBegin: aZone {
  id obj ;

  obj = [super createBegin: aZone] ;
//  [obj setSuffix: ""] ;
  [obj setTitle: ""] ;
  [obj setAxisLabelsX: "" Y: ""] ; //find out what happens if I forget this!
//  [obj setGraphics: 1] ;
  return obj ;
-setGraphics: (int) state {
  graphics = state ;
  return self ;
-setSuffix: (char *) aSuffix {
  suffix = aSuffix ;
  return self ;
-setAxisLabelsX: (char *) xl Y: (char *) yl { 
  xLabel = xl ;
  yLabel = yl ;
  return self ;

-setTitle: (char *) aTitle {
  title = aTitle ;
  return self ;

-createEnd {

//  if(graphics){
    theGraph = [BLTGraph create: [self getZone]];
    [theGraph title: title] ;
    [theGraph axisLabelsX: xLabel Y: yLabel];
    [theGraph pack];
//  }

  sequenceList = [List create: [self getZone]] ;

  return self ;

-getGraph {
  return theGraph ;

-createSequence: (char *) aName 
   withFeedFrom: anObj 
    andSelector: (SEL) aSel {

  id aSeq ;
  id anElement ;

  anElement = [theGraph createElement] ;
  [anElement setLabel: aName] ;
  aSeq = [EZSequence createBegin: [self getZone]] ;
  [aSeq setDataFeed: anObj] ;
  [aSeq setElement: anElement] ;
  [aSeq setProbedSelector: aSel] ;
  [aSeq createEnd] ;

  [sequenceList addLast: aSeq] ;

  return self ;

-createAverageSequence: (char *) aName 
          withFeedFrom: aList 
           andSelector: (SEL) aSel {

  id aSeq ;
  id anAverager ;
  id aGrapher ;
  id anElement ;

  anElement = [theGraph createElement] ;
  [anElement setLabel: aName] ;

  anAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [anAverager setList: aList];
  [anAverager setProbedSelector: aSel];
  anAverager = [anAverager createEnd];
  aGrapher = [ActiveGraph createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [aGrapher setElement: anElement];
  [aGrapher setDataFeed: anAverager]; 
  [aGrapher setProbedSelector: M(getAverage)];
  aGrapher = [aGrapher createEnd];

  aSeq = [EZAverageSequence create: [self getZone]] ;
  [aSeq setAverager: anAverager] ;
  [aSeq setGrapher: aGrapher] ;

  [sequenceList addLast: aSeq] ;

  return self ;

-createTotalSequence: (char *) aName 
        withFeedFrom: aList 
         andSelector: (SEL) aSel {

  id aSeq ;
  id anAverager ;
  id aGrapher ;
  id anElement ;

  anElement = [theGraph createElement] ;
  [anElement setLabel: aName] ;

  anAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [anAverager setList: aList];
  [anAverager setProbedSelector: aSel];
  anAverager = [anAverager createEnd];
  aGrapher = [ActiveGraph createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [aGrapher setElement: anElement];
  [aGrapher setDataFeed: anAverager]; 
  [aGrapher setProbedSelector: M(getTotal)];
  aGrapher = [aGrapher createEnd];

  aSeq = [EZAverageSequence create: [self getZone]] ;
  [aSeq setAverager: anAverager] ;
  [aSeq setGrapher: aGrapher] ;

  [sequenceList addLast: aSeq] ;

  return self ;

-createMinSequence: (char *) aName 
      withFeedFrom: aList 
       andSelector: (SEL) aSel {

  id aSeq ;
  id anAverager ;
  id aGrapher ;
  id anElement ;

  anElement = [theGraph createElement] ;
  [anElement setLabel: aName] ;

  anAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [anAverager setList: aList];
  [anAverager setProbedSelector: aSel];
  anAverager = [anAverager createEnd];
  aGrapher = [ActiveGraph createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [aGrapher setElement: anElement];
  [aGrapher setDataFeed: anAverager]; 
  [aGrapher setProbedSelector: M(getMin)];
  aGrapher = [aGrapher createEnd];

  aSeq = [EZAverageSequence create: [self getZone]] ;
  [aSeq setAverager: anAverager] ;
  [aSeq setGrapher: aGrapher] ;

  [sequenceList addLast: aSeq] ;

  return self ;

-createMaxSequence: (char *) aName 
      withFeedFrom: aList 
       andSelector: (SEL) aSel {

  id aSeq ;
  id anAverager ;
  id aGrapher ;
  id anElement ;

  anElement = [theGraph createElement] ;
  [anElement setLabel: aName] ;

  anAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [anAverager setList: aList];
  [anAverager setProbedSelector: aSel];
  anAverager = [anAverager createEnd];
  aGrapher = [ActiveGraph createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [aGrapher setElement: anElement];
  [aGrapher setDataFeed: anAverager]; 
  [aGrapher setProbedSelector: M(getMax)];
  aGrapher = [aGrapher createEnd];

  aSeq = [EZAverageSequence create: [self getZone]] ;
  [aSeq setAverager: anAverager] ;
  [aSeq setGrapher: aGrapher] ;

  [sequenceList addLast: aSeq] ;

  return self ;

-createCountSequence: (char *) aName 
        withFeedFrom: aList 
         andSelector: (SEL) aSel {

  id aSeq ;
  id anAverager ;
  id aGrapher ;
  id anElement ;

  anElement = [theGraph createElement] ;
  [anElement setLabel: aName] ;

  anAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [anAverager setList: aList];
  [anAverager setProbedSelector: aSel];
  anAverager = [anAverager createEnd];
  aGrapher = [ActiveGraph createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [aGrapher setElement: anElement];
  [aGrapher setDataFeed: anAverager]; 
  [aGrapher setProbedSelector: M(getCount)];
  aGrapher = [aGrapher createEnd];

  aSeq = [EZAverageSequence create: [self getZone]] ;
  [aSeq setAverager: anAverager] ;
  [aSeq setGrapher: aGrapher] ;

  [sequenceList addLast: aSeq] ;

  return self ;

-step {
  [sequenceList forEach: M(step)] ;
  return self ;


@implementation EZSequence

-setFile: (FILE *) aFile {
  theFile = aFile ;
  return self ;
-step {
  [super step] ;
//  if(theFile)
//    fprintf(theFile, "%g\n", [self doubleDynamicCallOn: dataFeed]) ;
  return self ;

-(void) drop {
  [super drop] ;
//  fclose(theFile) ;


@implementation EZAverageSequence

-setAverager: anAverager {
  theAverager = anAverager ;
  return self ;

-setGrapher: aGrapher{
  theGrapher = aGrapher ;
  return self ;

-step {

  [theAverager update] ;
  [theGrapher step] ;

//  if(theFile)
//    fprintf(theFile, "%g\n", [theAverager doubleDynamicCallOn: dataFeed]) ;
  return self ;

-(void) drop {
  [super drop] ;
  [theAverager drop] ;
  [theGrapher drop] ;
//  fclose(theFile) ;



In order to add the last class, you will need to drop the following 
two files into ..whatever../swarm/src/swarmobject and edit the makefile 
as follows:


OBJECTS=<<<loads of .o files...>>> Entropy.o
HEADERS=<<<loads of .h files...>>> Entropy.h
include $(SWARMHOME)/Makefile.lib

<<<loads of make rules>>>
Entropy.o: Entropy.m Entropy.h


Also you will need to edit the simtools.h file as follows:


<<<loads of #import lines>>>
#import <swarmobject/Entropy.h>


Now simply type make.

The files to add are:

=============================== Entropy.h ==================================

// Swarm library. Copyright (C) 1996 Santa Fe Institute.
// This library is distributed without any warranty; without even the
// implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
// See file LICENSE for details and terms of copying.

#import <swarmobject/MessageProbe.h>

// Entropy object.

@interface Entropy : MessageProbe {
  double entropy;
  id list;

-setList: (id) list;

-(double) getEntropy;


=============================== Entropy.m ==================================

// Swarm library. Copyright (C) 1996 Santa Fe Institute.
// This library is distributed without any warranty; without even the
// implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
// See file LICENSE for details and terms of copying.

#define __USE_FIXED_PROTOTYPES__  // for gcc headers

#import <math.h>
#import <collections.h>
#import <swarmobject/Entropy.h>

@implementation Entropy

-setList: (id) l {
  list = l;
  return self;

-createEnd {
  if (list == nil)
    [InvalidCombination raiseEvent: "Entropy created without a list\n"];

  return [super createEnd];

-update {
  id iter, obj ;
  double maximum ;
  int count ;

  entropy = 0.0;

  count = [list getCount] ;   

    return self;
  maximum = log( 1.0 / ((double) count)) ;

  obj = [list first];
  [self updateMethodCache: obj];
  // Ok, we have cached our function to call on each object - do it.
  // note that we don't do lookup for each step: this code only works
  // if the list is homogeneous.
  iter = [list begin: zone];
  while ((obj = [iter next]) != nil) {
    double v = [self doubleDynamicCallOn: obj];
    if(v > 0.0)
      entropy += v * log(v) ;
  [iter drop] ;

  entropy /= maximum ;

  return self;

-(double) getEntropy {
  return entropy;



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