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Swarm, newbie intro 8)

From: Catherine Dibble
Subject: Swarm, newbie intro 8)
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 08:11:11 -0700

Ah, not much of an intro, but also "hi!."  I was at CSSS'95 and have
been quietly (mostly) lurking here since last winter.  I'm using Swarm
to study human settlement patterns, at one level, but I'm also
interested in using Swarm to study, well, how to use Swarm rigorously.
There are certainly important computer science challenges, but I'm
fascinated by the epistemological questions related to this
laboratory.  My Swarm project is summarized in a short extended
abstract at:  http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/~cath/geocomp.html


| Catherine Dibble         |                                            |
| Department of Geography  |   "Theory provides the maps that turn an   |
| University of California |    uncoordinated set of experiments or     |
| Santa Barbara, CA 93106  |    computer simulations into a cumulative  |
|                          |    exploration."                           |
| 805-964-9022 (home/vmail)|                                            |
| address@hidden       |    -- Booker, Goldberg, Holland (1989)     |
| www.geog.ucsb.edu/~cath  |      _Artificial Intelligence_ 40:235-282  |

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