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help needed!

From: Offer Elad
Subject: help needed!
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 13:08:13 +0200

Hello all,
I installed swarm and after some work everything seems to be OK - that
is everything compiled without error messages.
However once I compile the demo applications and try to run them
I get the message:

-- error: TkExtra (instance)
can't read "tk_library": no such variable
    while executing
"file exists $tk_library..."
    invoked from within
"if [file exists $tk_library..."
IOT trap (core dumped)

If anyone has an idea I would be glad to hear it.
(I am working on a SPARC-10 running SUNOS 4.1.4)
                                                  Elad Offer

| "I want to be a peripheral visionary - to be able                  |
|  to look into the future but very much to the sides" - Time Wright |
| Web: http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~eladof (follow the green man)      |

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