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Need help with nasty core dump!

From: Sven Thommesen
Subject: Need help with nasty core dump!
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 1996 15:20:25 -0600

Any and all:

I'm racking my brains over a persistent coredump that has crept into my
application after a major revision. It *appears* that there's a problem
with the Zone allocation, but perhaps something else is going on.

My app is a takeoff on Heatbugs, and the coredump happens in method

I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions! The backtrace goes all the way
down into _c_CreateDrop_s__create_ , and I hope someone at the hive is
more able than I to see what the potential problem might be ...


The backtrace from gdb looks like this:

(attached gdb.log)

The 'buildObjects' method looks like this:

(attached buildobj.m)

The 'saveStateToFile' method looks like this:

(attached savestat.m)
Core was generated by `./fashionbugs -batchmode'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x8094bd2 in _c_CreateDrop_s__create_ (self=0x817a824, _cmd=0x817a85c, 
    aZone=0x81ca948) at Create.m:28
28        return [[self createBegin: aZone] createEnd];
#0  0x8094bd2 in _c_CreateDrop_s__create_ (self=0x817a824, _cmd=0x817a85c, 
    aZone=0x81ca948) at Create.m:28
#1  0x806cbcb in _c_OutFile__create_withName_ (self=0x817a824, _cmd=0x817aa14, 
    aZone=0x81ca948, theName=0x81a1438 "STATE.FBBS90001.R00033.T00000")
    at OutFile.m:24
#2  0x806d0f9 in _c_ObjectSaver__save_toFileNamed_ (self=0x817a974, 
    _cmd=0x8178860, anObject=0x81d9bb0, 
    aFileName=0x81a1438 "STATE.FBBS90001.R00033.T00000") at ObjectSaver.m:51
#3  0x8065827 in _i_FashionbugBatchSwarm__saveStateToFile (self=0x81d9bb0, 
    _cmd=0x8178400) at FashionbugBatchSwarm.m:619
#4  0x8063892 in _i_FashionbugBatchSwarm__buildObjects (self=0x81d9bb0, 
    _cmd=0x81795c4) at FashionbugBatchSwarm.m:138
#5  0x8068e05 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbffffdbc) at main.m:35
#6  0x804ca6b in _start ()
-buildObjects {
  id modelZone;

  [super buildObjects];

// Dump my own state for debugging:
  [self saveStateToFile];

// Create the Model Swarm in a separate zone and pass parameters to it:

  modelZone = [Zone create: [self getZone]];

  fashionbugModelSwarm = [FashionbugModelSwarm create: modelZone];
  [fashionbugModelSwarm setParametersFromObject: parameterAgent];
  [fashionbugModelSwarm initState];

// Build the dataLogger agent:

  dataLogger = [DataLoggerAgent create: [self getZone]];
  [dataLogger setBatchSwarm: self];
  [dataLogger setModelSwarm: fashionbugModelSwarm];
  [dataLogger setParametersFromObject: parameterAgent];
  [dataLogger openDataFiles];

// Now let model swarm build its own objects:

  [fashionbugModelSwarm setDataLogger: dataLogger];
  [fashionbugModelSwarm buildObjects];
  // This is done separately in the ObserverSwarm:
  [fashionbugModelSwarm buildAgents];

  if (dataSamplingFrequency > 0) {

// Create averagers on the bug swarms:

  unhappyFFAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [unhappyFFAverager setCollection: 
                [[fashionbugModelSwarm getFashionFollowerSwarm] 
  [unhappyFFAverager setProbedSelector: M(getUnhappiness)];
  unhappyFFAverager = [unhappyFFAverager createEnd];

  unhappyFLAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [unhappyFLAverager setCollection: 
                [[fashionbugModelSwarm getFashionLeaderSwarm] 
  [unhappyFLAverager setProbedSelector: M(getUnhappiness)];
  unhappyFLAverager = [unhappyFLAverager createEnd];

  activatedFLAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [activatedFLAverager setCollection: 
                [[fashionbugModelSwarm getFashionLeaderSwarm] 
  [activatedFLAverager setProbedSelector: M(getActivatedState)];
  activatedFLAverager = [activatedFLAverager createEnd];

  generatedIAAverager = [Averager createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [generatedIAAverager setCollection: 
                [[fashionbugModelSwarm getInfluenceAgentSwarm] 
  [generatedIAAverager setProbedSelector: M(getGeneratedAmt)];
  generatedIAAverager = [generatedIAAverager createEnd];


-saveStateToFile {
   int j;
   static char stateFileName[STRMAX];

   j = sprintf(stateFileName, stateFileFormat, 
               agentName, gpp->runNumber, getCurrentTime() );

   [ObjectSaver save: self toFileNamed: stateFileName];

   return self;

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