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Using collections

From: Ken Cline
Subject: Using collections
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 11:57:13 -0500 (EST)

Hi all,

I have a question about the collection objects:

   - collections only contain references to the objects
     they contain, correct?

   - the following code (from Object2dDisplay.m):

        -setObjectCollection: (id) objects {
          objectCollection = objects;
          return self;

     only copies a reference to a collection?
     (That is, now the Object2dDisplay class and
     another class somewhere both have a pointer to the
     same collection, right?)

   - What does [MyCollection copy: aZone] do?  Does it
     just copy a reference to MyCollection or does it
     create a new set of references to the objects in

Thanks in advance for setting me straight on this.


Ken Cline                             address@hidden
SAIC                                 VOICE (410) 571-0413
Annapolis, MD                          FAX (301) 261-8427

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