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SCL v0.05 Released...

From: Barry McMullin
Subject: SCL v0.05 Released...
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 11:32:00 +0000

Just in case any of you *have* actually downloaded and attempted
to build my SCL model: the previously released version (0.04)
is broken under Swarm 1.0 (:-(  Actually, I expected that to
happen all along!  So there is now a brand new, v0.05, which
builds with 1.0 - and should actually still build under the
last swarm beta also.  (To make this so, and ensure that precisely
the same simulation trajectories could be produced in both cases,
I resorted to using *neither* the "old" nor the "new" random
libs; this is *no* reflection on Sven's dedication and hard work
on the new lib, just the pragmatics of trying to develop a 
stable sim on top of a - transiently - unstable platform...)

Anyway, below is the README to whet your appitite; you'll find the
source under User Links on the Swarm User-Community page:


or directly as:


Oh, and please feel free to forward this to anyone who may be




Package: SCL v0.05
Author:  Barry McMullin <address@hidden>
Date:    5th February 1997.

This is the README file for the SCL v0.05 source

Documentation for SCL (v0.04) is available in Working
Paper 97-01-002 of the Santa Fe Institute, at URL:


This is also mirrored at:


SCL v0.05 differs in only minor ways from version

  o Some minor changes were made to ensure that
    SCL would build successfully against the
    public, v1.0, release of Swarm.

  o The color scheme of the World Display was 
    changed (to support better rendering of 
    screen shots in monochrome hardcopy).

  o A dedicated random number generator and utilities
    is now used in preference to that provided with
    Swarm.  This is to ensure repeatability of
    results regardless of changes in the distributed
    Swarm random library.

SCL v0.05 was used to produce the scientific data
discussed in Working Paper 97-02-012 of the Santa Fe
Institute, available at URL:


[This is not actually in place yet: You can try the 
"official" mirror at:


or the "unofficial" one at:


The latter URL will break shortly after the "official" one
starts working...]

The data file archive referred to in that paper is
available as:


The package is distributed under the terms of the GNU
GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991. See the
file LICENCE.TXT for details.


| Barry McMullin, Autonomous Systems Group,  |    address@hidden |
| School of Electronic Engineering,          |  Voice: +353-1-704-5432 |
| Dublin City University, Dublin 9, IRELAND. |  FAX:   +353-1-704-5508 |
| http://www.eeng.dcu.ie/~mcmullin/home.html |                         |

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