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Re: Protocols and OO-ness [was: Copy method]

From: Juan J. Merelo
Subject: Re: Protocols and OO-ness [was: Copy method]
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 11:45:46 -0700

>>>>> ""glen" == "glen e p ropella" <address@hidden> writes:

    >> This is not such a big deal in C++: copy ctors are
    >> compiler-generated, if you don't bother to supply one; and they
    >> should be defined in any well-behaved class. Besides, they are
    >> not inherited, which forces you to supply a copy constructor,
    >> or copy method, everywhere in the hierarchy.

    "glen> Interesting.  What do you mean "compiler-generated?"

Well, exactly that. If you don't provide an implementation of the
copy-ctor, the compiler will generate one, usually a shallow copy,
which is not probably what one intends. That means that if you
inadvertendly use a copy ctor, say, by 
        varType foo = bar;
the compiler will generate a call to that compiler-generated copy.



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