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Re: skipping past nil

From: mcmullin
Subject: Re: skipping past nil
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 12:38:35 -0700 (MST)

On 19 Mar, Ginger Booth wrote:
> Dear y'all,
>     Once upon a time, somewhere, someone recommended turning on a feature
> of something, to make Swarm/GNU ObjC programs crash when a message is sent
> to a nil pointer.  Unfortunately, I'd already made lots of use of the skip-
> on-past-nil-without-notice feature, and decided not to backtrack at the
> time.  So my app expects [nil messagecall] to simply, quietly, do nothing.
> But someone else is trying to build it on a Linux box, and it crashes on
> this construct.
>     Could anyone tell me what the magic word was that makes this construct
> ignored successfully?  I can't find it in the GNU gcc man page.

Hi Ginger -

The only place I've seen any reference to this is:


But as I read it, it says the default *is* to ignore
messages on nil, and you actually have to take special
steps to do anything different...




| Barry McMullin, ALife Group,               |    address@hidden |
| Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road,   |  Voice: +1-505-984-8800 |
| Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA.                   |  FAX:   +1-505-982-0565 |
| http://www.eeng.dcu.ie/~mcmullin           |                         |

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