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Traversing Schedules

From: Doug Donalson;
Subject: Traversing Schedules
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 21:57:10 -0800 (PST)

Roger,  (or Glen or ...?)

I am using the auto drop shedule with concurrent groups.

For validation of my model I need to be able to verify that
the events in my schedule match what I think should be there.
Roger gave me a method for traversing the 2 level event list:

int eventCount;
id index,groupIndex,actionAtTime;
timeval_t timeOfAction;

  eventCount = 0;
  index = [eventSchedule begin: [self getZone] ];
  while ( (actionAtTime = [index next]) ) 
    puts("Group Break");
    timeOfAction = (timeval_t) [index getKey];  // key of member is time 
    if ( [actionAtTime respondsTo: M(begin:)] ) 
    {  // test for concurrent group
      puts("there is a concurrent group");
      groupIndex = [actionAtTime begin: [self getZone]];
      while ( (actionAtTime = [groupIndex next]) ) 
        printf( "at time: %u  action is: %0#8x\n",timeOfAction,actionAtTime );
      [groupIndex drop];
      printf( "at time: %u  action is: %0#8x\n",timeOfAction,actionAtTime );
  [index drop]; 
  return self;  

As far as I can tell, there are a number of concurrent groups in
my schedule that that have more than one event in them.  When I 
use the above function on my event schedule it never detects this. ie It 
never prints puts("there is a concurrent group");.

Is respondsTo: begin the correct test?  Also,  I am assuming that 
I can use the same getKey message to find the time value for the 
subgroup once I get the traversal correct.  Will this work.



* Doug Donalson                          * Office: (805) 893-2962         *
* Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology * Home:   (805) 961-4447         *
* UC Santa Barbara                       * email address@hidden
* Santa Barbara Ca. 93106                *                                *
*                                                                         *
*   The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that             *
*   hearlds new discoveries, is not "EUREKA" (I have found it) but        *
*   "That's funny ...?"                                                   *
*                                                                         *
*       Isaac Asimov                                                      *
*                                                                         *

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