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How to convert a Swarm app into pure ObjC?

From: Steve Emsley
Subject: How to convert a Swarm app into pure ObjC?
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 10:19:28 +0100


After initially using Swarm to rapidly prototype my model I started
refining each class individually. Some of these have been merely C
code wrapped in ObjC method declarations and packaged into a
SwarmObject. I'm beginning to suspect that I have written an
ObjectiveC model that, because it's embedded in Swarm, cannot be run
on fast machines that are at my disposal but do not take kindly to
Swarm (at least their administrators don't!).

The only Swarm specific code used that cannot be easily removed are
the CreateBegin ... CreateEnd methods. As far as I can see all I am
using them for is for memory allocation - no activity or probes are
involved. I also call initSwarm from main.

QUESTION: Has anyone done similar and written a custom swarmobject
class that would handle object creation without requiring all of the
Swarm features i.e. as an interface to the ObjC root Class object and
containing memory allocation and initialization. What is the bare
minimum required?

I've followed the trail through swarmobject.h, activity.h, create.h
etc. but, alas, get lost. However, it looks as though most of the
functionality I use is contained within the defobj directory with the
addition of Map from collections.

I suppose my question could be rephrased as: What is the subset of
Swarm that handles object creation but does not require any other
libraries or header files that wouldn't be available in the gcc objc
library and include files?

Any suggestions would be most welcome. 
 Steve Emsley                   Ecosystems Analysis & Management Group
 address@hidden         University of Warwick, England
 http://www.oikos.warwick.ac.uk/~sme/             (+44) (0)1598 753648

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