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Re: Swarm documentation for 1.0.4

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Swarm documentation for 1.0.4
Date: 12 Jan 1998 10:10:09 -0800

>>>>> "LG" == Laszlo Gulyas <address@hidden> writes:

LG> If I remember well, once there was an issue on swarm-support of
LG> having a postscript (or at least in one printable) version of the
LG> docs. Is there such a thing? I was not able to find it anyway...

>>>>> "GR" == glen e p ropella <address@hidden> writes:

GR> We still have the general problem of automatically
GR> generating postscript.  html2ps could be scripted to create a ps
GR> of the swarmdocs; but, page ordering is still a problem.  A
GR> general solution is to use something like SGML for the base
GR> document and then generate html, ps, and text, from that.  But, we
GR> simply haven't done it, yet.

Ok, this file contains PostScript for the current swarmdocs:


Either `all.ps' or `all4.ps' (a 4up version).

[For the curious (or those appalled at the quality of the output, and
motivated to do something about it), I used Jade, a DSSSL Engine.   DSSSL
is the canonical way to format SGML dialects (like HTML). 



The output isn't PostScript, it's TeX.  Jade also creates RTF (I would
have used RTF but I couldn't find a way to do a simple file-based
link or include in RTF).

The current limitations are: graphics are not placed correctly, there's
no index or cross references, numbered lists aren't formatted quite
right, and overall the formatting wastes too much vertical space; I
would suggest printing 2up or 4up, or tweaking the TeX if you don't
like tiny print.

The advantage to this approach is that it is fully general.  A DSSSL
style sheet is a Scheme program, and the output is TeX (there is a
TeX macro library).  Between the style sheet and the TeX macro library
there's lots of room for improving the resulting printed document.



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