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Re: what is the warning message?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: what is the warning message?
Date: 07 Apr 1998 09:09:44 -0700

>>>>> "MH" == Martin Hinsch <address@hidden> writes:

MH> Hi I remember something similar, i.e. this message depending
MH> basically on the order of setting properties of a widget and
MH> creating it.

Well, if you try to set the title of a widget that doesn't exist yet,
you're risking a crash, not just warning messages. 

But if it isn't that, the thing that will ensure progress is to come
up with a test case that demonstrates the anomaly and send it to
address@hidden (and address@hidden, too, if you
aren't sure what the expected behavior ought to be).

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