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Re: A thought for readme

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: A thought for readme
Date: 01 May 1998 11:17:12 -0700

>>>>> "PH" == Parviez HosseiniC <address@hidden> writes:

PH> BTW, exactly how do you set environment variables in Cygnus?

   export PS1='whateveryouwant'

in the .bash_login file.

There are special escape-codes for different bits of shell info. 
Here is the relevant section of the Bash manual quoted for your convenience:

     a bell character.

     the date, in "Weekday Month Date" format (e.g., "Tue May 26").

     an escape character.

     the hostname, up to the first `.'.

     the hostname.


     the name of the shell, the basename of `$0' (the portion following
     the final slash).

     the time, in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format.

     the time, in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format.

     the time, in 12-hour am/pm format.

     the version of Bash (e.g., 2.00)

     the release of Bash, version + patchlevel (e.g., 2.00.0)

     the current working directory.

     the basename of `$PWD'.

     your username.

     the history number of this command.

     the command number of this command.

     if the effective uid is 0, `#', otherwise `$'.

     the character corresponding to the octal number `nnn'.

     a backslash.

     begin a sequence of non-printing characters.  This could be used to
     embed a terminal control sequence into the prompt.

     end a sequence of non-printing characters.

PH> So how do you then change the path variable to include ./?



in the .bash_login file.

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