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Bug report

From: Sven N. Thommesen
Subject: Bug report
Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 16:48:47 -0500

In the process of getting Swarm 1.1 to work under Linux, I've discovered
what appears to be a bug.

The README file talks about the possible need to set shell variables
TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY to get applications to work right with the
'binary' install. This I found not to be necessary.

On the other hand, I found (from an error message) that variable
BLT_LIBRARY has to be set to point to wherever the file bltGraph.tcl is
located. Turns out the code in tkobjc/TkExtra.m is looking for it in
swarmhome/lib, when the file is actually located in swarmhome/library. If
the code in TkExtra were fixed, we wouldn't have to set BLT_LIBRARY.

Also, at the moment heatbugs won't run unless shell variable SWARMHOME is set.


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