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Re: Regarding the amount of RAM available under the Windows 95 environme

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Regarding the amount of RAM available under the Windows 95 environment
Date: 21 Jul 1998 11:12:49 -0700

>>>>> "ML" == matt lund <address@hidden> writes:

ML> We are designing a simulation and it looks like each agent will
ML> store a large amount of data each time a decision is made.  Within
ML> 100 iterations, this data will account for over a megabyte of
ML> storage.  Will this be a problem?  Can I dynamically allocate that
ML> much memory, or should I look into storing some of that in
ML> secondary storage devices (HD,etc.)?

For heavy duty simulation work on a PC, I'd suggest using GNU/Linux or
NT 4.0 instead of Windows 95.  IIRC, at point there was a gnu-win32
specific registry key that controlled the maximum amount of memory
that could be allocated by gnu-win32, but I don't think that exists

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