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Re: Pixmaps on Rasters

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Pixmaps on Rasters
Date: 23 Jul 1998 13:43:20 -0700

>>>>> "ST" == Sven N Thommesen <address@hidden> writes:

ST> Am I reading the Raster and Pixmap code (as well as the heatbugs
ST> code) right when I get the impression that a Pixmap needs to be
ST> passed a raster during creation, and that it will *only* display
ST> itself on that raster for the rest of its life?

Yes, that's right.  The purpose of passing the raster is to synchronize
the raster colormap with what is needed in the pixmap.  Under X,
the Xpm library does closeness-matching and the raster isn't referenced.

ST> Given the current code, do I need to manage multiple sets of
ST> pixmaps (one per target raster), or is there some other way to do
ST> it?

I think you'll be ok if you do a setRaster: before running drawX:Y:.
Let me know if that's not the case.

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