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Re: and again: installing swarm on SuSE 5.2

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: and again: installing swarm on SuSE 5.2
Date: 16 Oct 1998 00:10:24 -0700

>>>>> "LG" == Lorenz Gygax <address@hidden> writes:

LG> or should I rather try to figure out the installation via the rpm's?

It would be useful to know if the rpms work under SuSE, but I think
you'll probably have it working if you use the system Tcl/Tk libraries...

Free Software Foundation GDB manuals are sold at most technical book
stores, and you probably have the info pages in /usr/info.  Try
running `C-h i' in Emacs or `info' from the command line.
Content-wise the online info pages are the same as the printed
versions -- bother are generated mechanically from GNU texinfo markup.

The GDB trace you sent shows the most-recent executed code, who called
that routine, who called the routine that called that routine, and so
on.  Most of the sequence of those calls is part of Swarm's `tclobjc'
initialization, where it takes the command-line arguments of the
executable, and uses them to initialize a Tcl interpreter (Swarm uses
this interpreter to communicate with Tk GUI things).  tclobjc is
confirming the presence of some standard .tcl files, but can't find
them.  This is kind of error is usually due to some misconfiguration
in compile-time Tcl/Tk paths.

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