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Re: address "from"

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: address "from"
Date: 01 Jan 1999 17:55:53 -0800

>>>>> "ST" == Sven N Thommesen <address@hidden> writes:

ST> I have suggested to the swarm team and to Scott Christley that they
ST> change objectiveC to make the caller automagically available (the
ST> same way that 'self' is)

The calling convention for GNU C's implementation of Objective C is to
pass the target object and selector followed by the method arguments.
If the runtime was changed to pass the caller as well (in the
Objective C runtime distributed with the compiler), new code could not
be linked with old.  However, I understand that having To/From
information as instance variables is intuitively satisfying in an
agent-based sorta way.

We have thrown around the idea of extending GCC's Objective C compiler
and runtime to pack arguments and caller/callee (etc) metadata in to
the form of a C struct.  This would be useful for object distribution 
and multilanguage integration, and would also enable the kind of 
extensions you two are advocating.

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