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More newbie questions (problems with drand48)

From: Joseph E. Villa
Subject: More newbie questions (problems with drand48)
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:55:15 -0800


I've got swarm-1.3.1 running on a NT4.0 machine under Cygwin19. I'm
trying to work my way through Benedikt Stefansson's Swarm Tutorial. I'm
wedged on the first example (SimpleCBug) and thought that I would see if
anyone had thoughts or coaching.

I've installed Cygwin in c:\Cygnus and swarm in c:\Swarm-1.3.1. I've
copied the text of main.m verbatim. I've copied the content of makefile
and modified as follows:

++++ begin ++++

OBJECTS= main.o 
include $(SWARMHOME)\packages\swarm\etc\swarm\makefile.appl

main.o: main.m

++++ end ++++

The main.m file includes the following snippet:

++++ begin ++++

random_move() {
  double randnum;

  randnum = drand48();
  if (randnum <= 0.33333) return -1;
  else if (randnum <= 0.6667) return 0;
       else return 1;


++++ end ++++

When I enter make, I get the following:

++++ begin ++++

/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/swarm/bin/libtool-swarm --mode link gcc -g -O2
-fno-inline -L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/swarm/lib
-L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/BLT/lib -L/Cygnus/B19/H-i386-cygwin32/lib
-L/Cygnus/B19/H-i386-cygwin32/lib -L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/libffi/lib
-L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/png/lib -L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/zlib/lib    -o
bug.exe main.o   -lspace -lanalysis -lsimtools -lsimtoolsgui -ltkobjc
-ltclobjc -lactivity -lrandom -lobjectbase -lcollections -ldefobj -lmisc
-lBLT80 -ltk80 -ltcl80  -lpng -lz -lffi -luser32 -lgdi32 -lm -lobjc  
gcc -g -O2 -fno-inline -L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/swarm/lib
-L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/BLT/lib -L/Cygnus/B19/H-i386-cygwin32/lib
-L/Cygnus/B19/H-i386-cygwin32/lib -L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/libffi/lib
-L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/png/lib -L/Swarm-1.3.1/packages/zlib/lib -o
bug.exe main.o -lspace -lanalysis -lsimtools -lsimtoolsgui -ltkobjc
-ltclobjc -lactivity -lrandom -lobjectbase -lcollections -ldefobj -lmisc
-lBLT80 -ltk80 -ltcl80 -lpng -lz -lffi -luser32 -lgdi32 -lm -lobjc

main.o: In function 'random_move':
/Swarm-1.3.1/main.m:48: undefined reference to 'drand48'
make: *** [bug.exe] Error 1

++++ end ++++

I don't know that all the first jibberish is. But the second part is, I
infer, not good. And, of course, there is no bug.exe. My assumption had
been that drand48 was a function that was defined in either <simtools.h>
(imported) or <stdlib.h> (included). When I examine these, however, I do
not find drand48.

Does anyone, perchance, have any thoughts on the nature of my problem or


Joseph Villa

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