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using Canvas

From: xueyue
Subject: using Canvas
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 17:06:49 +0000

I have used Canvas class for some time before, but I just realized there
is another problem which I just now describe 
as below:
(1) I had been using the class along with the template provided by
swarmapps, that is to say, a Canvas object 
is build in a swarm. So, it can work as I expected. 
(2) I just do another test:
    I build a Canvas object in main.m, 
     aCanvas=[Canvas create: globalZone];
     [globalTkInterp .....];
      [aCanvas pack];
    return 0;
    This is exactly the same way as I built an object 
   in a swarm.  However, while compiling and execution are 
    succeful, there is now canvas displayed in the new test.
   My guess is that in main.m, there should be a command to 
   initialize graphical environment. But I did not where is 
   the equivalent in Swarm (I did not examine it yet). 

Dr Xueyue Huang
Center for Transport Studies
Imperial College 
London SW7 2BU

(+44) 171 594 6037

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